Last updated on Feb 2, 2001

----------------- DIALOG ATTRIBUTE ACCESS FUNCTIONS ---------------------------------

Set Property Values

TagGroup DLGSide( TagGroup element, String side )
Sets the 'Side' attribute: "Left", "Right", "Top", "Bottom", "Center"; returns the element.
TagGroup DLGAnchor( TagGroup element, String anchor )
Sets the 'Anchor' attribute: "North", "South", "East", "West"; returns the element.
TagGroup DLGFill( TagGroup element, String fill )
Sets the 'Fill' attribute: "X", "Y", "XY", "Both"; returns the element.
TagGroup DLGExpand( TagGroup element, Number do_expand )
Sets the 'Expand' attribute: 0 for x-direction, 1 for y-direction; returns the element.
TagGroup DLGExpand( TagGroup element, String s )
Sets the 'Expand' attribute: "X", "Y", "XY"; returns the element.
TagGroup DLGInternalPadding( TagGroup element, number x_pad, number y_pad )
Sets the 'InternalPadding' attribute; returns the element.
TagGroup DLGExternalPadding( TagGroup element, Number x_pad, Number y_pad )
Sets the 'ExternalPadding' attribute; returns the element.
TagGroup DLGValue( TagGroup element, Number value )
Sets the numeric 'Value' attribute; returns the element.
TagGroup DLGValue( TagGroup element, string value )
Sets the string 'Value' attribute; returns the element.
TagGroup DLGValue( object frame, string identifier, number val )
Sets the numeric 'Value' attribute in a labeled element in a uiframe object; returns the TagGroup containing the identifier.
TagGroup DLGValue( object frame, string identifier, string val )
Sets the string 'Value' attribute in a labeled element in a uiframe object; returns the TagGroup containing the identifier.
TagGroup DLGMinValue( TagGroup element, Number value )
Sets the 'MinValue' attribute; returns the element.
TagGroup DLGMaxValue( TagGroup element, Number value )
Sets the 'MaxValue' attribute; returns the element.
TagGroup DLGIdentifier( TagGroup element, String id )
Sets the 'Identifier' attribute; returns the element.
TagGroup DLGWidth( TagGroup element, number width )
Sets the 'Width' attribute; returns the element.
TagGroup DLGHeight( TagGroup element, number height )
Sets the 'Height' attribute; returns the element.
TagGroup DLGFont( TagGroup element, string font )
Sets the 'Font' attribute; returns the element.
TagGroup DLGTitle( TagGroup element, string title )
Sets the 'Title' attribute; returns the element.
TagGroup DLGActionMethod( TagGroup element, string action_method )
Sets the 'ActionMethod' attribute; returns the element.
TagGroup DLGChangedMethod( TagGroup element, string changed_method )
Sets the 'ChangedMethod' attribute; returns the element.
TagGroup DLGMultipleSelect( TagGroup tg, number multiple_select )
Sets the 'MultipleSelect' attribute for Lists; returns the element.
TagGroup DLGLayout( TagGroup tg, TagGroup layout )
Sets the 'Layout' attribute for Groups; returns the element.
TagGroup DLGBitmapData( TagGroup tg, Image img )
Sets the image data for a bitmap
TagGroup DLGInvalid( TagGroup tg, number isInvalid )
Sets the 'Invalid' attribute for a modified element. Used for run-time update of dialog displays,
TagGroup DLGLabel( TagGroup tg, string label )
Sets the 'Label' attribute for an element

Get Property Values

number DLGGetValue( TagGroup tags, number &value )
Gets the numeric 'Value' attribute setting; returns 1 if succeeded, 0 otherwise.
number DLGGetValue( TagGroup tags, string &value )
Gets the string 'Value' attribute setting; returns 1 if succeeded, 0 otherwise.
number DLGGetValue( object frame, string identifier, number &val )
Gets the numeric 'Value' attribute setting for a labeled element in a uiframe object; returns 1 if succeeded, 0 otherwise.
number DLGGetValue( object frame, string identifier, string &val )
Gets the string 'Value' attribute setting for a labeled element identifier in a uiframe object; returns 1 if succeeded, 0 otherwise.
number DLGGetValue( TagGroup tags )
Returns the numeric 'Value' attribute setting.
string DLGGetStringValue( TagGroup tags )
Returns the string 'Value' attribute setting.
TagGroup DLGGetItems( TagGroup tags )
Returns the TagGroup in the 'Items' attribute of an element.
number DLGGetIdentifier( TagGroup tags, string &identifier )
Returns the string in the 'Identifier' attribute of an element.
number DLGGetNthLabel( TagGroup tags, number index, string &label_str )
Gets the label of the nth item in the 'Items' TagGroup of an element; returns 1 if succeeded, 0 otherwise.
string DLGGetType( TagGroup tags )
Gets the type attribute of an element.
number DLGGetWidth( TagGroup tags )
Gets the width of an element
number DLGGetHeight( TagGroup tags )
Gets the height of an element
Image DLGGetBitmapData( TagGroup bitmap )
Gets the RGB image stored in a bitmap
String DLGGetLabel( TagGroup element )
Gets the label of an element
String DLGGetTitle( TagGroup element )
Gets the label of an element (dialog or label)

----------------- DIALOG CONSTRUCTION FUNCTIONS ---------------------------------

TagGroup DLGCreateElement( string type )
Create a dialog element of the specified type; returns the newly created element.
TagGroup DLGCreateElementWithItems( string type, TagGroup &items )
Create a container of the specified type, and passes back an empty items list; returns the container.
TagGroup DLGCreateElementWithItems( string type)
Create a container of the specified type
TagGroup DLGAddElement( TagGroup container, TagGroup element )
Add an element to a container or element list; returns the element.
TagGroup DLGAddElement( TagGroup container, TagGroup element, String side )
Add an element with the specified 'Side' attribute to a container or element list; returns the element.
TagGroup DLGAddElement( TagGroup container, TagGroup element, String side, String anchor )
Add an element with the specified 'Side' and 'Anchor' attributes to a container or element list; returns the element.
TagGroup DLGAddElementBefore( TagGroup container, number index, TagGroup element )
Insert an element before the given index; returns the element
TagGroup DLGAddElementAfter( TagGroup container, number index, TagGroup element )
Insert an element after the given index; returns the element
TagGroup DLGGetElement( TagGroup container, number index )
Retrieve an element at the given index from a container.
TagGroup DLGGetElement( TagGroup container, string label, number &index )
Retrieve an element with the given label; passes back the index of the element
TagGroup DLGGetElement( TagGroup container, string label )
Retrieve an element with the given label
TagGroup DLGRemoveElement( TagGroup container, number index )
Remove an element at the given index from a container; returns the removed element.
TagGroup DLGRemoveLastElement( TagGroup container)
Remove the last element from a container; returns the removed element.
TagGroup DLGRemoveElement( TagGroup container, string label )
Remove an element with the given label; returns the removed element.
Number DLGSetElement( TagGroup container, number index, TagGroup new_element )
Sets the element at the given index; returns 1 if succeeded, 0 otherwise
Number DLGSetElement( TagGroup container, string label, TagGroup new_element )
Sets the element with the given label; returns 1 if succeeded, 0 otherwise
TagGroup DLGSetElementLabel( TagGroup container, number index, string new_label )
Sets the label of the element at the given index; returns the element
TagGroup DLGSetElementLabel( TagGroup container, string label, string new_label )
Sets the label of the element with the given label; returns the element
TagGroup DLGCreateDialog( string title, TagGroup &dialog_items )
Create a dialog container with the given title; passes back an empty items list, and returns the dialog container.
TagGroup DLGCreateDialog( string title )
Create a dialog container with the given title
TagGroup DLGCreateTableLayout( number cols, number rows, number uniform )
Create a table layout with the given number of columns, rows, and whether the table cells are uniform in size; returns the table layout.
TagGroup DLGCreateTableLayout( number cols, number rows, string uniform )
Create a table layout with the given number of columns, rows, and whether the table cells are uniform in size; returns the table layout.
TagGroup DLGTableLayout( TagGroup element, number columns, number rows, number uniform )
Sets the 'Layout' attribute to a table layout with the given number of columns, rows, and cell uniformity flag; returns the element.
TagGroup DLGTableLayout( TagGroup tg, number columns, number rows, string uniform_str )
Sets the 'Layout' attribute to a table layout with the given number of columns, rows, and cell uniformity flag; returns the element.

Modeless Positioning Utilities

TagGroup DLGBuildPositionFromApplication()
Creates a dialog position descriptor that uses the bounds of the largest document window as reference; returns the position descriptor.
TagGroup DLGBuildPositionFromWindow( DocumentWindow wnd )
Creates a dialog position descriptor that uses the bounds of the given window as reference; returns the position descriptor.
TagGroup DLGBuildPositionFromUIFrame( object frame )
Creates a dialog position descriptor that uses the bounds of the UI frame as reference; returns the position descriptor.
TagGroup DLGBuildAutoSize()
Creates an auto-size position descriptor; returns the descriptor.
TagGroup DLGBuildMatchSize()
Creates a match-size position descriptor; returns the descriptor.
TagGroup DLGBuildAbsoluteSize( number inches )
Creates an absolute-size position descriptor; returns the descriptor.
TagGroup DLGBuildRelativePosition( string sense, number rel )
Creates a relative-size position descriptor; sense: "Inside", "Outside"; rel: 0, 1; returns the descriptor.
TagGroup DLGBuildPosition( number top, number left, number bottom, number right )
Creates a dialog position descriptor with the given reference bounds; returns the position descriptor.
TagGroup DLGPosition( TagGroup tags, TagGroup position )
Sets the 'Positioning' attribute of a dialog to the given position descriptor; returns the dialog.
TagGroup DLGPosition( TagGroup tags, number top, number left, number bottom, number right )
Creates a dialog position descriptor with the given reference bounds, and adds it to the given dialog tags; returns the dialog tags.

----------------- BITMAP FUNCTIONS FOR BEVEL BUTTONS ---------------------------------

TagGroup DLGCreateBitmap( Image img )
Creates a bitmap TagGroup from the given image.
RGBImage DLGMakeRaised( image im )
Creates an RGBImage with depressed borders from the given image.
RGBImage DLGMakeLowered( image im )
Creates an RGBImage with raised borders from the given image.

----------------- LABEL FUNCTIONS ---------------------------------

TagGroup DLGCreateLabel( String label_string )
Creates a label with the given text.
TagGroup DLGCreateLabel( string label_string, number width )
Creates a label with the given text and maximum number of characters.

----------------- BUTTON FUNCTIONS ---------------------------------

TagGroup DLGCreatePushButton( String title, String action_method )
Creates a single-state text button with the given display title and action method.
TagGroup DLGCreateBevelButton( TagGroup onBitmap, TagGroup offBitmap, string actionmethod )
Creates a single-state bitmap button with the given on/off bitmap TagGroups and action method.
TagGroup DLGCreateBevelButton( Image onImage, Image offImage, string actionmethod )
Creates a single-state bitmap button with the given on/off images and action method.
TagGroup DLGCreateBevelButton( Image img, string actionmethod )
Creates a single-state bitmap button with the given image and action method.
TagGroup DLGCreateDualStateBevelButton( string identifier, TagGroup onBitmap, TagGroup offBitmap, string actionmethod )
Creates a dual-state bitmap button with the given identifier, on/off bitmap TagGroups, and action method.
TagGroup DLGCreateDualStateBevelButton( string identifier, Image onImage, Image offImage, string actionmethod )
Creates a dual-state bitmap button with the given identifier, on/off images, and action method.
TagGroup DLGCreateDualStateBevelButton( string identifier, Image img, string actionmethod )
Creates a dual-state bitmap button with the given identifier, image, and action method.
=> "action method" has to be defined in the class and be of syntax: void actionmethod(object self)
Number DLGGetBevelButtonOn( object frame, String identifier, TagGroup &tags )
Gets the On/Off state of a labeled bevel button in a uiframe object; returns the button TagGroup in tags, and 1 if succeeded, 0 otherwise.
TagGroup DLGBevelButtonOn( TagGroup button_tags, number isOn )
Sets the On/Off state of a button; returns the button TagGroup.
TagGroup DLGBevelButtonOn( object frame, string identifier, number isOn )
Sets the On/Off state of a labeled button in a uiframe object; returns the button TagGroup.

----------------- GROUP FUNCTIONS ---------------------------------

TagGroup DLGCreateGroup()
Creates a group container
TagGroup DLGCreateGroup( TagGroup &items )
Creates a group container; passes back an empty items list, and returns the container.
TagGroup DLGGroupItems( TagGroup item1, TagGroup item2 )
Creates a group containing the given two items; returns the container.
TagGroup DLGGroupItems( TagGroup item1, TagGroup item2, TagGroup item3 )
Creates a group containing the given three items; returns the container.
TagGroup DLGGroupItems( TagGroup item1, TagGroup item2, TagGroup item3, TagGroup item4 )
Creates a group containing the given four items; returns the container.

----------------- FIELD FUNCTIONS ---------------------------------

TagGroup DLGCreateRealField( number value )
Creates a real-valued field with the given initial value, field width, and format.
TagGroup DLGCreateRealField( number value, number width, number format )
Creates a real-valued field with the given initial value, field width, and format.
TagGroup DLGCreateRealField( number value, number width, number format, string changedmethod )
Creates a real-valued field with the given initial value, field width, format, and changed method.
TagGroup DLGCreateIntegerField( number value )
Creates a integer-valued field with the given initial value, and field width.
TagGroup DLGCreateIntegerField( number value, number width )
Creates a integer-valued field with the given initial value, and field width.
TagGroup DLGCreateIntegerField( number value, number width, string changedmethod )
Creates a integer-valued field with the given initial value, field width, and changed method.
TagGroup DLGCreateStringField( String value )
Creates a string-valued field with the given initial value, and field width.
TagGroup DLGCreateStringField( String value, number width )
Creates a string-valued field with the given initial value, and field width.
TagGroup DLGCreateStringField( String value, number width, string changedmethod )
Creates a string-valued field with the given initial value, field width, and changed method.

----------------- CHECKBOX FUNCTIONS ---------------------------------

TagGroup DLGCreateCheckBox( string title )
Creates a checkbox with the given text.
TagGroup DLGCreateCheckBox( string title, number state )
Creates a checkbox with the given text and initial checked/unchecked state
TagGroup DLGCreateCheckBox( string title, number state, string changedmethod )
Creates a checkbox with the given text, initial checked/unchecked state, and changed method.
=> "changedmethod" has to be defined in the class and be of syntax: void changedmethod(object self, taggroup tg)

----------------- BOX FUNCTIONS ---------------------------------

TagGroup DLGCreateBox()
Creates a box container
TagGroup DLGCreateBox( String title)
Creates a box with the given title
TagGroup DLGCreateBox( TagGroup &items )
Creates a box container; passes back an empty items list, and returns the container.
TagGroup DLGCreateBox( String title, TagGroup &items )
Creates a box with the given title; passes back an empty items list, and returns the container.

----------------- RADIO BUTTON FUNCTIONS ---------------------------------

TagGroup DLGCreateRadioList( )
Creates a radio button list container
TagGroup DLGCreateRadioList( number value )
Creates a radio button list container with the given initial value
TagGroup DLGCreateRadioList( number value, string changedmethod )
Creates a radio button list container with the given initial value and changed method;
TagGroup DLGCreateRadioList( TagGroup &items )
Creates a radio button list container; passes back an empty items list, and returns the container.
TagGroup DLGCreateRadioList( TagGroup &items, number value )
Creates a radio button list container with the given initial value; passes back an empty items list, and returns the container.
TagGroup DLGCreateRadioList( TagGroup &items, number value, string changedmethod )
Creates a radio button list container with the given initial value and changed method; passes back an empty items list, and returns the container.
TagGroup DLGCreateRadioItem( string label, number value )
Createsa radio button item with the given title and value
TagGroup DLGAddRadioItem( TagGroup rad_container, string label, number value )
Creates and adds a radio button item with the given title and value to a radio button list; returns the radio button item.

----------------- LIST FUNCTIONS ---------------------------------

TagGroup DLGCreateList( number width, number height )
Creates a list container with the given width and height
TagGroup DLGCreateList( string changedmethod, number width, number height )
Creates a list container with the given width, height, and changed method;
TagGroup DLGCreateList( string changedmethod, string actionmethod, number width, number height )
Creates a list container with the given width, height, changed method and action method;
TagGroup DLGCreateList( TagGroup &items, number width, number height )
Creates a list container with the given width and height; passes back an empty items list, and returns the container.
TagGroup DLGCreateList( TagGroup &items, string changedmethod, number width, number height )
Creates a list container with the given width, height, and changed method; passes back an empty items list, and returns the container.
TagGroup DLGCreateList( TagGroup &items, string changedmethod, string actionmethod, number width, number height )
Creates a list container with the given width, height, changed method and action method; passes back an empty items list, and returns the container.
TagGroup DLGCreateListItem( string label, number selected )
Creates a list item with the given label.
TagGroup DLGAddListItem( TagGroup item_container, string label, number selected )
Adds a list item with the given label to a list.

----------------- POPUP MENU FUNCTIONS ---------------------------------

TagGroup DLGCreatePopup( )
Creates a popup menu
TagGroup DLGCreatePopup( number value )
Creates a popup menu with the given initial value
TagGroup DLGCreatePopup( number value, string changedmethod )
Creates a popup menu with the given initial value and changed method
TagGroup DLGCreatePopup( TagGroup &items )
Creates a popup menu; passes back an empty items list, and returns the container..
TagGroup DLGCreatePopup( TagGroup &items, number value )
Creates a popup menu with the given initial valuepasses back an empty items list, and returns the container.
TagGroup DLGCreatePopup( TagGroup &items, number value, string changedmethod )
Creates a popup menu with the given initial value and changed method; passes back an empty items list, and returns the container.
TagGroup DLGCreatePopup( string title, TagGroup &label_item, TagGroup &popup_item, TagGroup &choice_items, number value )
Creates a named popup menu group with the given title and initial value; passes back the label for the popup title, the popup menu, and an empty popup items list; returns the named popup group.
TagGroup DLGCreateBoxedPopup( string boxTitle, TagGroup &popup_item, TagGroup &choice_items, number value )
Creates a named box containing a popup menu with the given title and initial value; passes back the popup menu and an empty popup items list; returns the box element.
TagGroup DLGCreatePopupItemEntry( string label )
Creates a popup entry with the given label.
TagGroup DLGAddPopupItemEntry( TagGroup container, string label )
Adds a popup entry with the given label to a list of popup items; returns the popup entry.

----------------- CHOICE ITEM FUNCTIONS ---------------------------------

TagGroup DLGCreateChoice( )
Creates a choice item
TagGroup DLGCreateChoice( number value )
Creates a choice item with the given initial value
TagGroup DLGCreateChoice( number value, string changedmethod )
Creates a choice item with the given initial value and changed method
TagGroup DLGCreateChoice( TagGroup &items )
Creates a choice item; passes back an empty items list, and returns the container..
TagGroup DLGCreateChoice( TagGroup &items, number value )
Creates a choice item with the given initial valuepasses back an empty items list, and returns the container.
TagGroup DLGCreateChoice( TagGroup &items, number value, string changedmethod )
Creates a choice item with the given initial value and changed method; passes back an empty items list, and returns the container.
TagGroup DLGCreateChoice( string title, TagGroup &label_item, TagGroup &choice_item, TagGroup &choice_items, number value )
Creates a named choice item group with the given title and initial value; passes back the label for the choice title, the choice item, and an empty choice items list; returns the named choice group.
TagGroup DLGCreateBoxedChoice( string boxTitle, TagGroup &choice_item, TagGroup &choice_items, number value )
Creates a named box containing a choice item with the given title and initial value; passes back the choice item and an empty choice items list; returns the box element.
TagGroup DLGCreateChoiceItemEntry( string label )
Creates a choice entry with the given label
TagGroup DLGAddChoiceItemEntry( TagGroup container, string label )
Adds a choice entry with the given label to a list of choice items; returns the choice entry.

-------------------- PANEL FUNCTIONS ---------------------------------

TagGroup DLGCreatePanelList( )
Creates a panel list container
TagGroup DLGCreatePanelList( number value )
Creates a panel list container with the given initially selected panel index;
TagGroup DLGCreatePanelList( TagGroup &items )
Creates a panel list container; passes back an empty panel list, and returns the container.
TagGroup DLGCreatePanelList( TagGroup &items, number value )
Creates a panel list container with the given initially selected panel index; passes back an empty panel list, and returns the container.
TagGroup DLGCreatePanel( )
Creates a panel element
TagGroup DLGCreatePanel( TagGroup &items )
Creates a panel element; passes back an empty items list, and returns the element.
TagGroup DLGAddPanel( TagGroup container, TagGroup panel )
Adds a panel element to a panel list; returns the panel element.
TagGroup DLGAddPanel( TagGroup container)
Creates and adds a panel element to a panel list; returns an empty items list for the new panel.

------------------------- TAB FUNCTIONS ---------------------------------

TagGroup DLGCreateTabList( )
Creates a tab list container
TagGroup DLGCreateTabList( number value )
Creates a tab list container with the given initially selected tab index
TagGroup DLGCreateTabList( number value, string changedmethod )
Creates a tab list container with the given initially selected tab index and changed method
TagGroup DLGCreateTabList( TagGroup &items )
Creates a tab list container; passes back an empty tab list, and returns the container.
TagGroup DLGCreateTabList( TagGroup &items, number value )
Creates a tab list container with the given initially selected tab index; passes back an empty tab list, and returns the container.
TagGroup DLGCreateTabList( TagGroup &items, number value, string changedmethod )
Creates a tab list container with the given initially selected tab index and changed method; passes back an empty tab list, and returns the container.
TagGroup DLGCreateTab( string label )
Creates a tab with the given label
TagGroup DLGCreateTab( TagGroup &tab_items, string label )
Creates a tab with the given label; passes back an empty panel items list and returns the tab element.
TagGroup DLGAddTab( TagGroup container, string label )
Creates and adds a tab with the given label to a tab list; returns an empty items list for the new tab.
TagGroup DLGAddTab( TagGroup container, TagGroup tab )
Adds a tab to a tab list; returns the tab element.

------------------------------- TEXT BOX FUNCTIONS --------------------------------------

TagGroup DLGCreateTextBox( number width, number height, number length )
Creates a text box with the given width, height, and text length.

------------------------------- IMAGE POPUP FUNCTIONS --------------------------------------

TagGroup DLGCreateImagePopup()
Creates a popup menu listing the currently open images.
TagGroup DLGCreateImagePopup( number image_id )
Creates a popup menu listing the currently open images, with the name of the image with the given image ID initially selected.

------------------------------- PROGRESS BAR FUNCTIONS --------------------------------------

TagGroup DLGCreateProgressBar( string identifier )
Creates a progress bar.
TagGroup DLGSetProgress( object frame, string identifier, number percentage_complete )
Sets the progress status of a progress bar in a uiframe object; returns the TagGroup containing the identifier.
TagGroup DLGGetProgress( object frame, string identifier, number &percentage_complete )
Gets the progress status of a progress bar in a uiframe object; returns the TagGroup containing the identifier.

------------------------------- GRAPHIC FUNCTIONS --------------------------------------

TagGroup DLGCreateGraphic( number width, number height )
Creates a graphic element with the given width and height
TagGroup DLGAddBitmap(TagGroup graphic, TagGroup bitmap_item )
Adds a bitmap to a graphic element
TagGroup DLGAddBitmap( TagGroup graphic, Image img )
Creates a bitmap from the given image and adds it to the graphic element