Class Image
void ImageCalculateHistogram( ImageReference image,
ImageReference hist_image, Number complexMode, Number
min, Number max )
- Calculates the histogram of 'image', mapping [min,max] into 'hist_image'.
void ImageCalculateMinMax( ImageReference image,
Number surveyTechnique, Number complexMode, NumberVariable
min, NumberVariable max )
- Calculates the minimum and maximum value of 'image' using survey technique
ImageReference ImageClone( ImageReference img
- Returns a clone of 'img'.
void ImageCopyCalibrationFrom( ImageReference image,
ImageReference src_image )
- Copy the calibration of 'src_image' to 'image'.
Number ImageCountImageDisplays( ImageReference )
- Returns the number of image displays in which this image is displayed.
Number ImageCountImageDisplaysInImageDocument( ImageReference,
ImageDocument imgDoc )
- Returns the number of image displays in the image document in which this image is
ImageDisplay ImageCreateImageDisplay( ImageReference, Number
displayType )
- Creates a new image display of type 'displayType' for the image.
Number ImageGetDataElementBitSize( ImageReference
img )
- Returns the size of the data elements in bits.
Number ImageGetDataElementByteSize( ImageReference
img )
- Returns the smallest number of bytes that can hold a data element.
Number ImageGetDataSeed( ImageReference img )
- Gets the seed of the image data.
Number ImageGetDataType( ImageReference img )
- Returns a long representing the data type.
String ImageGetDescriptionText( ImageReference img
- Gets the description text associated with the image.
void ImageGetDimensionCalibration( ImageReference, Number
dimension, NumberVariable origin, NumberVariable scale,
String units, Number calibrationFormat )
- Gets the calibration information of the given dimension.
Number ImageGetDimensionOrigin( ImageReference, Number
dimension )
- Returns the origin of the given dimension of image.
Number ImageGetDimensionScale( ImageReference, Number
dimension )
- Returns the scale of the given dimension of image.
Number ImageGetDimensionSize( ImageReference, Number
dimension )
- Gets the size of the given dimension.
void ImageGetDimensionUnitInfo( ImageReference, Number
dimension, String canon_units, NumberVariable power
- Copies the unit string of the given dimension of image to the buffer.
String ImageGetDimensionUnitString( ImageReference, Number
dimension )
- Copies the unit string of the given dimension of image to the buffer.
Number ImageGetID( ImageReference )
- Returns a unique identifier for the image.
ImageDisplay ImageGetImageDisplay( ImageReference, Number
index )
- Returns the given image display in which this image is displayed.
ImageDisplay ImageGetImageDisplayInImageDocument(
ImageReference, ImageDocument imgDoc, Number index )
- Returns the given image display in the image document in which this image is
Number ImageGetIntensityOrigin( ImageReference )
- Returns the origin of image's intensity.
Number ImageGetIntensityScale( ImageReference )
- Returns the scale of image's intensity.
void ImageGetIntensityUnitInfo( ImageReference, String
canon_units, NumberVariable power )
- Copies the unit string of image's intensity to the buffer.
String ImageGetIntensityUnitString( ImageReference )
- Returns the units of the image's intensity.
String ImageGetLabel( ImageReference img )
- Gets the label of the image as used in scripts.
String ImageGetName( ImageReference img )
- Gets the name of the image.
Number ImageGetNumDimensions( ImageReference )
- Returns number of dimensions of the image.
ImageDocument ImageGetOrCreateImageDocument( ImageReference
im )
- Returns an image document containing the image, creating one if necessary.
TagGroup ImageGetTagGroup( ImageReference img
- Gets the tags associated with the image.
ScriptObject ImageGetUniqueID( ImageReference image
- Returns the unique ID for this image. This id is globally unique across sessions and
Boolean ImageIsDataTypeBinary( ImageReference img
- Returns true if the data in the image is binary.
Boolean ImageIsDataTypeComplex( ImageReference img
- Returns true if the data in the image is complex.
Boolean ImageIsDataTypeFloat( ImageReference img
- Returns true if the data in the image is floating point.
Boolean ImageIsDataTypeInteger( ImageReference img
- Returns true if the data in the image is integral.
Boolean ImageIsDataTypePackedComplex( ImageReference
img )
- Returns true if the data in the image is complex.
Boolean ImageIsDataTypeReal( ImageReference img
- Returns true if the data in the image is real.
Boolean ImageIsDataTypeRGB( ImageReference img
- Returns true if the data in the image is rgb.
Boolean ImageIsDataTypeSignedInteger( ImageReference
img )
- Returns true if the data in the image is integral and signed.
Boolean ImageIsDataTypeUnsignedInteger( ImageReference
img )
- Returns true if the data in the image is integral and unsigned.
Boolean ImageIsDimensionCalibrationDisplayed( ImageReference
im, Number dim )
- Returns 'true' if the calibration of the 'dim'th dimension is displayed.
Boolean ImageIsIntensityCalibrationDisplayed( ImageReference
im )
- Returns 'true' if the calibration of the intensity is displayed.
Boolean ImageIsValid( ImageReference image )
- Returns true if 'image' is a valid object.
void ImageReadImageDataFromStream( ImageReference
image, ScriptObject stream, Number stream_endianness
- Reads image data from the stream. The image data type determines how the data is
read, and 'stream_endianness' specifies the endianness of the stream, 1 == bigendian, 2
== littleendian.
void ImageSetDescriptionText( ImageReference img,
String description )
- Sets the description text associated with the image.
void ImageSetDimensionCalibration( ImageReference, Number
dimenstion, Number origin, Number scale, String
unitString, Number calibrationFormat )
- Sets the calibration for the given dimension.
void ImageSetDimensionCalibrationDisplayed( ImageReference
im, Number dim, Boolean do_display )
- Sets whether or not to display the 'dim'th dimension in calibrated units to
void ImageSetDimensionOrigin( ImageReference, Number
dimension, Number origin )
- Sets the origin of the given dimension of image.
void ImageSetDimensionScale( ImageReference, Number
dimension, Number scale )
- Sets the scale of the given dimension of image.
void ImageSetDimensionUnitInfo( ImageReference, Number
dimension, String canon_units, Number power )
- Sets the unit string of the given dimension of image.
void ImageSetDimensionUnitString( ImageReference, Number
dimension, String units )
- Sets the unit string of the given dimension of image.
void ImageSetIntensityCalibrationDisplayed( ImageReference
im, Boolean do_display )
- Sets whether or not to display the intensity in calibrated units to 'do_display'.
void ImageSetIntensityOrigin( ImageReference, Number
origin )
- Sets the origin of image's intensity.
void ImageSetIntensityScale( ImageReference, Number
scale )
- Sets the scale of image's intensity.
void ImageSetIntensityUnitInfo( ImageReference, String
canon_units, Number power )
- Sets the unit string of image's intensity.
void ImageSetIntensityUnitString( ImageReference, String
units )
- Sets the unit string of image's intensity.
void ImageSetName( ImageReference img, String
name )
- Sets the name of the image.
void ImageSwapImageDataByteOrder( ImageReference )
- Swaps the byte order for each long word in the image. ABCD become DCBA.
void ImageWriteImageDataToStream( ImageReference
image, ScriptObject stream, Number stream_endianness
- Writes image data to the stream. The image data type determines how the data is
written, and 'stream_endianness' specifies the endianness of the stream, 1 == bigendian,
2 == littleendian.