Non-Method Script Functions
RealNumberExpression !( RealNumberExpression src
- Return the logical NOT of src.
Boolean !=( String, String )
- Returns true if the two strings are not equal character-by-character.
RealNumberExpression !=( RGBNumberExpression,
RGBNumberExpression )
- Return 1 if the two RGB values are not equal and 0 otherwise.
RealNumberExpression !=( ComplexNumberExpression,
ComplexNumberExpression )
- Return 1 if the two numbers are not equal and 0 otherwise.
RealNumberExpression !=( RealNumberExpression,
RealNumberExpression )
- Return 1 if the two numbers are not equal and 0 otherwise.
RealNumberExpression &&( RealNumberExpression,
RealNumberExpression )
- Return the logical AND of the two numbers.
RealNumberExpression *( RealNumberExpression,
RealNumberExpression )
- Return the product of the two numbers.
ComplexNumberExpression *( ComplexNumberExpression,
ComplexNumberExpression )
- Return the product of the two numbers.
RGBNumberExpression *( RGBNumberExpression,
RGBNumberExpression )
- Return the product of the two RGB values.
ComplexNumberExpression **( ComplexNumberExpression
n, ComplexNumberExpression exp )
- Return n raised to the exp power.
RealNumberExpression **( RealNumberExpression n,
RealNumberExpression exp )
- Return n raised to the exp power.
RealNumberExpression *=( lvalue RealNumberExpression
dst, RealNumberExpression src )
- Assign dst*src to dst.
ComplexNumberExpression *=( lvalue ComplexNumberExpression
dst, ComplexNumberExpression src )
- Assign dst*src to dst.
String +( ComplexNumber, String )
- Concatenates the string to the complex number and returns the resulting string.
String +( String, RGBNumber )
- Concatenates the RGB value to the string and returns the resulting string.
String +( RGBNumber, String )
- Concatenates the string to the RGB value and returns the resulting string.
String +( String, String )
- Concatenates the string to the other string and returns the resulting string.
String +( String, ComplexNumber )
- Concatenates the complex number to the string and returns the resulting string.
String +( Number, String )
- Concatenates the string to the number and returns the resulting string.
RealNumberExpression +( RealNumberExpression,
RealNumberExpression )
- Return the sum of the two numbers.
ComplexNumberExpression +( ComplexNumberExpression,
ComplexNumberExpression )
- Return the sum of the two numbers.
RGBNumberExpression +( RGBNumberExpression,
RGBNumberExpression )
- Return the sum of the two RGB values.
String +( String, Number )
- Concatenates the number to the string and returns the resulting string.
RealNumberExpression ++( lvalue RealNumberExpression
dst )
- Increment dst by 1.
RealNumberExpression ++!( lvalue RealNumberExpression
dst )
- Increment dst by 1.
RealNumberExpression +=( lvalue RealNumberExpression
dst, RealNumberExpression src )
- Assign dst+src to dst.
ComplexNumberExpression +=( lvalue ComplexNumberExpression
dst, ComplexNumberExpression src )
- Assign dst+src to dst.
String +=( String s1, String s2 )
- Appends string s2 to s1, converting its encoding to that of s1 if necessary.
RealNumberExpression -( RealNumberExpression,
RealNumberExpression )
- Return the difference of the two numbers.
RealNumberExpression -( RealNumberExpression )
- Return the negation of the number.
RGBNumberExpression -( RGBNumberExpression,
RGBNumberExpression )
- Return the difference of the two RGB values.
RGBNumberExpression -( RGBNumberExpression )
- Return the negation of the RGB value. This is the same as RGBA(255,255,255,255)-value.
ComplexNumberExpression -( ComplexNumberExpression,
ComplexNumberExpression )
- Return the difference of the two numbers.
ComplexNumberExpression -( ComplexNumberExpression )
- Return the negation of the number.
RealNumberExpression --( lvalue RealNumberExpression
dst )
- Decrement dst by 1.
RealNumberExpression --!( lvalue RealNumberExpression
dst )
- Decrement dst by 1.
RealNumberExpression -=( lvalue RealNumberExpression
dst, RealNumberExpression src )
- Assign dst-src to dst.
ComplexNumberExpression -=( lvalue ComplexNumberExpression
dst, ComplexNumberExpression src )
- Assign dst-src to dst.
RGBNumberExpression /( RGBNumberExpression,
RGBNumberExpression )
- Return the result of dividing the two RGB values.
ComplexNumberExpression /( ComplexNumberExpression,
ComplexNumberExpression )
- Return the result of dividing the two numbers.
RealNumberExpression /( RealNumberExpression,
RealNumberExpression )
- Return the result of dividing the two numbers.
ComplexNumberExpression /=( lvalue ComplexNumberExpression
dst, ComplexNumberExpression src )
- Assign dst/src to dst.
RealNumberExpression /=( lvalue RealNumberExpression
dst, RealNumberExpression src )
- Assign dst/src to dst.
ImageReference :=( ImageVariable image, ! )
void :=( BasicImage dst, BasicImage src
- Assign src to dst by reference.
RealNumberExpression <( RealNumberExpression,
RealNumberExpression )
- Return 1 if the left number is less than the right number and 0 otherwise.
RealNumberExpression <=( RealNumberExpression,
RealNumberExpression )
- Return 1 if the left number is less or equal to than the right number and 0 otherwise.
SurfacePlotImageDisplay =( SurfacePlotImageDisplay
dst, ImageDisplay id )
SurfacePlotImageDisplay =( SurfacePlotImageDisplay
dst, ! )
SurfacePlotImageDisplay =( SurfacePlotImageDisplay
dst, SurfacePlotImageDisplay spid )
DocumentWindow =( DocumentWindow, ! )
DocumentWindow =( DocumentWindow, DocumentWindow )
ImageDocument =( ImageDocument, ! )
ImageDocument =( ImageDocument, ImageDocument )
ImageDisplay =( ImageDisplay, Component )
ImageDisplay =( ImageDisplay, ! )
ImageDisplay =( ImageDisplay, ImageDisplay )
Component =( Component, ! )
Component =( Component, Component )
RGBNumberExpression =( lvalue RGBNumberExpression
dst, RGBNumberExpression src )
- Assign src to dst.
ComplexNumberExpression =( lvalue ComplexNumberExpression
dst, ComplexNumberExpression src )
- Assign src to dst.
RealNumberExpression =( lvalue RealNumberExpression
dst, RealNumberExpression src )
- Assign src to dst.
LinePlotImageDisplay =( LinePlotImageDisplay dst,
LinePlotImageDisplay lpid )
LinePlotImageDisplay =( LinePlotImageDisplay dst, !
String =( String dst, ! )
- Assigns NULL to dst string.
String =( String dst, String src )
- Assigns src string to dst string.
Throwable =( Throwable dst, ! )
- Assigns NULL to dst throwable.
Throwable =( Throwable dst, Throwable
src )
- Assigns src throwable to dst throwable.
Function =( Function dst, ! )
- Assigns NULL to dst function.
Function =( Function dst, Function src
- Assigns src function to dst function.
ScriptObject =( ScriptObject scriptObject1, !
ScriptObject =( ScriptObject scriptObject1,
ScriptObject scriptObject2 )
ROI =( ROI, ! )
- Assign a region of interest to a new variable.
- Assign a region of interest to a new variable.
RasterImageDisplay =( RasterImageDisplay dst, !
RasterImageDisplay =( RasterImageDisplay dst,
RasterImageDisplay rid )
TagGroup =( TagGroup tagGroup1, ! )
TagGroup =( TagGroup tagGroup1, TagGroup
tagGroup2 )
LinePlotImageDisplay =( LinePlotImageDisplay dst,
ImageDisplay id )
RasterImageDisplay =( RasterImageDisplay dst,
ImageDisplay id )
RealNumberExpression ==( RGBNumberExpression,
RGBNumberExpression )
- Return 1 if the left RGB value is equal to the right RGB value and 0 otherwise.
RealNumberExpression ==( ComplexNumberExpression,
ComplexNumberExpression )
- Return 1 if the left number is equal to the right number and 0 otherwise.
RealNumberExpression ==( RealNumberExpression,
RealNumberExpression )
- Return 1 if the left number is equal to the right number and 0 otherwise.
Boolean ==( String, String )
- Returns true if the two strings are equal character-by-character.
RealNumberExpression >( RealNumberExpression,
RealNumberExpression )
- Return 1 if the left number is greater than the right number and 0 otherwise.
RealNumberExpression >=( RealNumberExpression,
RealNumberExpression )
- Return 1 if the left number is greater than or equal to the right number and 0
RealNumberExpression ?( RealNumberExpression
condition, RealNumberExpression truenumber, RealNumberExpression
falsenumber )
- Evaluates the condition expression and returns either the truenumber or falsenumber
expression depending on condition.
ComplexNumberExpression ?( RealNumberExpression
condition, ComplexNumberExpression truenumber,
ComplexNumberExpression falsenumber )
- Evaluates the condition expression and returns either the truenumber or falsenumber
expression depending on condition.
RGBNumberExpression ?( RealNumberExpression
condition, RGBNumberExpression truenumber, RGBNumberExpression
falsenumber )
- Evaluates the condition expression and returns either the truenumber or falsenumber
expression depending on condition.
Number [( String, Number index )
- Returns the numeric value in the string's encoding of the first character of the
BasicImage [( BasicImage, Number x, Number
y )
- Returns a pixel in the given real image at the position [x,y]. This operator is
equivalent to Index(image,x,y).
BasicImage [( BasicImage, Number x, Number
y, Number z )
- Returns a pixel in the given real image at the position [x,y,z]. This operator is
equivalent to Index(image,x,y,z).
BasicImage [( BasicImage, Number top, Number
left, Number bottom, Number right )
- Returns the sub-area image specified by the coordinates [top,left,bottom,right].
BasicImage [( BasicImage, Number y1, Number
x1, Number z1, Number y2, Number x2, Number
z2 )
- Returns the sub-area image specified by the coordinates [x,y] where x and y are 3-D
RealImage [( RealImage, Number x, Number
y )
- Returns a pixel in the given real image at the position [x,y]. This operator is
equivalent to Index(image,x,y).
RealImage [( RealImage, Number x, Number
y, Number z )
- Returns a pixel in the given real image at the position [x,y,z]. This operator is
equivalent to Index(image,x,y,z).
RealImage [( RealImage, Number top, Number
left, Number bottom, Number right )
- Returns the sub-area image specified by the coordinates [top,left,bottom,right].
RealImage [( RealImage, Number y1, Number
x1, Number z1, Number y2, Number x2, Number
z2 )
- Returns the sub-area image specified by the coordinates [x,y] where x and y are 3-D
ComplexImage [( ComplexImage, Number top, Number
left, Number bottom, Number right )
- Returns the complex sub-area image specified by the coordinates
ComplexImage [( ComplexImage, Number y1, Number
x1, Number z1, Number y2, Number x2, Number
z2 )
- Returns the complex sub-area image specified by the coordinates [x,y] where x and y
are 3-D positions.
ComplexImage [( ComplexImage, Number x, Number
y )
- Returns a complex pixel in the given complex image at the position [x,y]. This
operator is equivalent to Index(image,x,y).
RGBImage [( RGBImage, Number x, Number y
- Returns a RGB pixel in the given RGB image at the position [x,y]. This operator is
equivalent to Index(image,x,y).
RGBImage [( RGBImage, Number top, Number
left, Number bottom, Number right )
- Returns the RGB sub-area image specified by the coordinates [top,left,bottom,right].
RGBImage [( RGBImage, Number y1, Number
x1, Number z1, Number y2, Number x2, Number
z2 )
- Returns the RGB sub-area image specified by the coordinates [x,y] where x and y are
3-D positions.
RealNumberExpression ||( RealNumberExpression,
RealNumberExpression )
- Return the logical OR of the two numbers.
void AbortAcquisitionDaemon( ImageReference )
- Abort all acquisition daemons associated with the image.
void AbortAllAcquisitionDaemons( )
- Abort all acquisition daemons with any image within the application.
RealNumberExpression abs( ComplexNumberExpression )
- Return the absolute value of the modulus of a complex number.
RealNumberExpression abs( RealNumberExpression )
- Return the absolute value of the number.
RealNumberExpression acos( RealNumberExpression )
- Return the arc-cosine of the number.
void AddArrayMaskToImage( ImageReference mask,
Number x_center, Number y_center, Number x_radius,
Number y_radius, Number x_v1, Number y_v1, Number
x_v2, Number y_v2, Number filter_length, Boolean
do_inverse )
void AddBandPassMaskToImage( ImageReference mask,
Number x_center, Number y_center, Number band_radius_1,
Number band_radius_2, Number filter_length, Boolean
do_inverse )
void AddOvalMaskToImage( ImageReference mask,
Number t_oval, Number l_oval, Number b_oval, Number
r_oval, Number filter_length, Boolean do_inverse )
void AddPathToCopyToImageList( String path )
- Adds 'path' to the list of tags to transfer to acquired images.
void AddScriptFileToMenu( String fileName, String
commandName, String menuName, String optionalSubMenuName,
Boolean isLibrary )
- Install the script in the file indicated by fileName into the application. The
commandName indicates the string by which this script will be known to the application.
If the script is to be installed in the menu, the menuName and optionalSubMenuName
parameters specify the menu. Pass 1 for isLibrary if the script is a library only and 0
to install it in the menu.
void AddScriptFileToPackage( String fileName,
String packageName, Number packageLevel, String
commandName, String menuName, String optionalSubMenuName,
Boolean isLibrary )
- Install the script in the file indicated by fileName into the package. The
commandName indicates the string by which this script will be known to the application.
If the script is to be installed in the menu, the menuName and optionalSubMenuName
parameters specify the menu. Pass 1 for isLibrary if the script is a library only and 0
to install it in the menu.
void AddScriptToMenu( String script, String
commandName, String menuName, String optionalSubMenuName,
Boolean isLibrary )
- Install the script into the application. The commandName indicates the string by
which this script will be known to the application. If the script is to be installed in
the menu, the menuName and optionalSubMenuName parameters specify the menu. Pass 1 for
isLibrary if the script is a library only and 0 to install it in the menu.
void AddScriptToPackage( String script, String
packageName, Number packageLevel, String commandName,
String menuName, String optionalSubMenuName, Boolean
isLibrary )
- Install the script into the application. The commandName indicates the string by
which this script will be known to the application. If the script is to be installed in
the menu, the menuName and optionalSubMenuName parameters specify the menu. Pass 1 for
isLibrary if the script is a library only and 0 to install it in the menu.
void AddStringToList( ImageReference, String
tagPath, String string )
- Adds the string to the image tag list indicated by tagPath.
void AddStringToPersistentList( String tagPath,
String string )
- Adds the string to the persistent tag list indicated by tagPath.
void AddTagsToPackage( TagGroup tags, String
packageName, Number packageLevel, String identifier
- Install the tags into the package. The identifier is used to identify the tags in the
packages. Clients should take care to use unique identifiers. See the Java model of
naming classes.
void AddTwinMaskToImage( ImageReference mask,
Number x_center, Number y_center, Number x_offset,
Number y_offset, Number x_radius, Number y_radius,
Number filter_length, Boolean do_inverse )
void AddWedgeMaskToImage( ImageReference mask,
Number x_center, Number y_center, Number x_v1, Number
y_v1, Number x_v2, Number y_v2, Number
filter_length, Boolean do_inverse )
void AdjustScriptMenuItem( String commandName,
String menuName, String optionalSubMenuName, String
newCommandName, Boolean enabled, Boolean checked, Number
key, Number acceleratorPos )
- Adjusts the display characteristics of the given script menu item. NewCommandName
specifies the new name for the menu item. The menu item will have to be referred to by
that name from then forth. Enabled/checked indicate whether the item is enabled/checked.
Key refers to the command key equivalent on the MacOS. Pass 0 to have no command key
equivalent. AcceleratorPos refers to the position of the accelerator equivalent on
Windows. Pass -1 to have to accelerator.
RealNumberExpression AiryAi( Number )
- Return the Airy Ai function of the number.
RealNumberExpression AiryBi( Number )
- Return the Airy Bi function of the number.
ScriptObject alloc( String class_name )
RealNumberExpression alpha( RGBNumberExpression )
- Return the alpha portion of an RGB number.
Number AnnotationType( ImageReference, Number
annotationID )
- Return the annotation type indicated by the annotation ID within the image.
void ApplicationGetBounds( NumberVariable t,
NumberVariable l, NumberVariable b, NumberVariable r
- Gets the bounds of the main area of the application in application coordinates.
void ApplicationGetOrigin( NumberVariable x,
NumberVariable y )
- Gets the origin of the application in global coordinates.
void ApplyDataBar( ImageDisplay imgDisp )
- Applies a data bar to the image.
Number asc( String, Number index )
- Returns numeric value of he 'index'th character in of the string.
Number asc( String )
- Returns the numeric value in ascii of the first character of the string.
RealNumberExpression asin( RealNumberExpression )
- Return the arc-sine of the number.
RealNumberExpression atan( RealNumberExpression )
- Return the arc-tangent of the number.
RealNumberExpression atan2( RealNumberExpression y,
RealNumberExpression x )
- Return the arc-tangent of the ratio of y/x.
RealNumberExpression atanh( RealNumberExpression )
- Return the hyperbolic arc-tangent of the number.
RealImage AutoCorrelate( RealImage source )
- Return an image which is the result of the auto correlation of source.
RealImage AutoCorrelation( RealImage source )
- Return an image which is the result of the auto correlation of source.
Number average( RealImageExpression image )
- Return the average pixel value of the image expression.
String BaseN( Number n, Number base
- Returns the number as a base n string.
String BaseN( Number n, Number base,
Number length )
- Returns the number as a base n string of the given length.
void Beep( )
- Play the current system beep.
RealNumberExpression BesselI( Number, Number )
- Return the general Bessel I function of two numbers.
RealNumberExpression BesselJ( Number, Number )
- Return the general Bessel J function of two numbers.
RealNumberExpression BesselK( Number, Number )
- Return the general Bessel K function of two numbers.
RealNumberExpression BesselY( Number, Number )
- Return the general Bessel Y function of two numbers.
RealNumberExpression Beta( Number, Number )
- Return the beta function of two numbers.
String Binary( Number n, Number length
- Returns the number as a binary string of the given length.
String Binary( Number n )
- Returns the number as a binary string.
RealImage BinaryImage( String title, Number
d0 )
- Creates a 1D binary image of size [d0] with the given title.
RealImage BinaryImage( String title, Number
d0, Number d1 )
- Creates a 2D binary image of size [d0,d1] with the given title.
RealImage BinaryImage( String title, Number
d0, Number d1, Number d2 )
- Creates a 3D binary image of size [d0,d1,d2] with the given title.
RealNumberExpression BinomialCoefficient( Number, Number
- Return the binomial coefficient of two numbers.
RealNumberExpression BinomialRandom( Number, Number )
- Return a random number with binomial distribution between [0,1)
RealNumberExpression blue( RGBNumberExpression )
- Return the blue portion of an RGB number.
void BrowseTagFile( )
- Present an open file dialog to the user, allow them to select a tag file, and then
allow them to browse through it.
RealNumberExpression Ceil( RealNumberExpression )
- Return the number truncated to an integer (rounding towards positive infinity).
void CheckHeap( )
- Checks the integrity of the application memory.
Boolean ChooseMenuItem( String menu, String
subMenu, String item )
- Choose the given menu item.
String chr( Number n )
- Returns the ASCII character specified by n as a string.
ComplexNumberExpression cis( RealNumberExpression )
- Return complex(cos(n),sin(n)) as a complex number, where n is a real number. This is
a unit vector in the complex plane.
Function ClassAddMethod( String class_name,
Function method )
ScriptObject ClassNewObject( String class_name
void ClassRemoveMethod( String class_name, Function
method )
void CleanImage( ImageReference )
- Mark the image as having been saved.
void ClearImage( ImageReference )
- Set each pixel in the image to zero.
void ClearSelection( ImageReference )
- Remove selection (if any) from the image.
RealNumberExpression clip( RealNumberExpression
value, RealNumberExpression minimum, RealNumberExpression
maximum )
- Return the value clipped to be in the range bounded by minimum and maximum.
Boolean ClipboardGetAsPicture( NumberVariable
picture )
- Gets the contents of the clipboard as a picture, if possible, and returns true if
Boolean ClipboardGetAsString( String str )
- Gets the contents of the clipboard as a string with the given encoding, if possible,
and returns true if successful.
Boolean ClipboardGetAsTagGroup( TagGroup tagGroup
- Gets the contents of the clipboard as a tag group, if possible, and returns true if
void ClipboardSetAsPicture( Number picture )
- Sets the contents of the clipboard to the picture.
void ClipboardSetAsString( String )
- Sets the contents of the clipboard to the text.
void ClipboardSetAsTagGroup( TagGroup tagGroup
- Sets the contents of the clipboard to the tag group.
void CloseFile( Number file )
- Close the file. This function should be called to close a file whenever a file is
void CloseImage( ImageReference )
- Attempt to close the image. If the data has changed, a dialog box appears to ask the
user to save the image before closing it.
void CloseProgressWindow( )
- Close the progress window if it is open.
void CloseTimeBar( )
- Closes the time bar.
Boolean CommandDown( )
- Returns 1 if the command key is down and 0 otherwise.
ComplexNumberExpression complex( RealNumberExpression
real, RealNumberExpression imaginary )
- Returns a complex number with the value of real + i * imaginary.
ComplexImage ComplexImage( String title, Number
bytes, Number d0 )
- Creates a 1D complex image of size [d0] with the given title. The bytes parameter can
be 8 or 16 for single and double precision floating point numbers.
ComplexImage ComplexImage( String title, Number
bytes, Number d0, Number d1 )
- Creates a 2D complex image of size [d0,d1] with the given title. The bytes parameter
can be 8 or 16 for single and double precision floating point numbers.
ComplexImage ComplexImage( String title, Number
bytes, Number d0, Number d1, Number d2
- Creates a 3D complex image of size [d0,d1,d2] with the given title. The bytes
parameter can be 8 or 16 for single and double precision floating point numbers.
ComplexImage ComplexToPacked( ComplexImage source
- Creates a new packed complex image from the complex 8-byte source.
ComplexImage ComplexToPacked( ComplexImage source,
Number style )
- Creates a new packed complex image from the complex 8-byte source.
Component ComponentNullify( ! )
ComplexNumberExpression conjugate( ComplexNumberExpression
- Return the conjugate of the complex number.
void ConnectObject( Number object, String
message, String ident, ScriptObject scriptObject, String
method )
- Build the connection with the given object and message under ident.
Boolean ContinueCancelDialog( String prompt )
- Puts up a dialog with both a Continue button and Cancel button. Returns 1 for
Continue and 0 for Cancel.
Boolean ControlDown( )
- Returns 1 if the control key is down and 0 otherwise.
String ConvertEndOfLine( Number eol_format, String
str )
- Converts the string to the end-of-line format indicated by 'eol_format_index': 0 ==
platform format, 1 = Macintosh format, 2 = Windows format.
void ConvertImageData( ImageReference from,
ImageReference to )
void ConvertImageDataSlice_2D( ImageReference from,
ImageReference to, Number x_l, Number y_l, Number
f_x_0, Number f_y_0, Number f_x_d, Number
f_x_s, Number f_y_d, Number f_y_s, Number
t_x_0, Number t_y_0, Number t_x_d, Number
t_x_s, Number t_y_d, Number t_y_s )
void ConvertToByte( ImageReference )
- Converts the given image to unsigned integer 1-byte data.
void ConvertToComplex( ImageReference )
- Converts the given image to complex single precision data.
void ConvertToFloat( ImageReference )
- Converts the given image to single precision real data.
void ConvertToLong( ImageReference )
- Converts the given image to signed integer 4-byte data.
void ConvertToPackedComplex( ImageReference )
- Converts the given image to packed complex data.
void ConvertToShort( ImageReference )
- Converts the given image to signed integer 2-byte data.
RealImage Convolution( ImageReference source,
ImageReference kernel )
- Creates a new image that is the convolution of the source image with the kernel. The
kernel should be less than 7x7.
ComplexNumberExpression cos( ComplexNumberExpression )
- Return the cosine of the number
RealNumberExpression cos( RealNumberExpression )
- Return the cosine of the number.
ComplexNumberExpression cosh( ComplexNumberExpression )
- Return the hyperbolic cosine of the number.
RealNumberExpression cosh( RealNumberExpression )
- Return the hyperbolic cosine of the number.
Number CountAllImages( )
- Returns the number of images.
Number CountAnnotations( ImageReference )
- Return the number of annotations within the image.
Number CountDocumentWindows( )
- Returns the number of document windows.
Number CountDocumentWindowsOfType( Number type
- Returns the number of document windows with type 'type'.
Number CountFloatingWindows( )
- Returns the number of floating windows.
Number CountImageDocuments( )
- Returns the number of image documents.
Number CountImages( )
- Count the number of images.
Number CountListEntries( ImageReference, String
tagPath )
- Returns the number of tags within the given image tag list or group indicated by
Number CountPersistentListEntries( String tagPath
- Returns the number of tags within the given persistent tag list or group indicated by
Number CountScreens( )
- Returns the number of screens.
Number CountScriptFunctions( String fnName )
- Returns the number of script functions having name 'fnName'.
Number CreateArrowAnnotation( ImageReference, Number
top, Number left, Number bottom, Number right
- Create an arrow annotation in the image with the endpoints [top,left] and
[bottom,right]. Return the new annotation's ID.
Number CreateBoxAnnotation( ImageReference, Number
top, Number left, Number bottom, Number right
- Create a box annotation in the image with the coordinates [top, left, bottom, right].
Return the new annotation's ID.
RealImage CreateByteImage( String title, Number
width, Number height )
- Creates a 2D unsigned 1-byte integer image of size [width,height] with the given
ComplexImage CreateComplexImage( String title,
Number width, Number height )
- Creates a 2D single precision complex image of size [width,height] with the given
void CreateDirectory( String fileName )
- Create a folder named fileName.
Number CreateDoubleArrowAnnotation( ImageReference, Number
top, Number left, Number bottom, Number right
- Create an double ended arrow annotation in the image with the endpoints [top,left]
and [bottom,right]. Return the new annotation's ID.
void CreateFile( String fileName )
- Create a file named fileName.
Number CreateFileForWriting( String fileName
- Create and open the file for writing. Return the file reference for this file. This
call must be balanced with call to CloseFile() with the returned reference number.
RealImage CreateFloatImage( String title, Number
width, Number height )
- Creates a 2D single precision float image of size [width,height] with the given title.
ImageDocument CreateImageDocument( String title
- Creates an empty image document.
RGBImage CreateImageFromDisplay( ImageReference )
- Convert the display of image to an RGB image.
Number CreateLineAnnotation( ImageReference, Number
top, Number left, Number bottom, Number right
- Create an line annotation in the image with the endpoints [top,left] and
[bottom,right]. Return the new annotation's ID.
RealImage CreateLongImage( String title, Number
width, Number height )
- Creates a 2D signed 4-byte integer image of size [width,height] with the given title.
ImageReference CreateMaskFromAnnotations( RasterImageDisplay
rid, Number filter_length, Boolean is_opaque,
NumberVariable has_mask )
Number CreateOvalAnnotation( ImageReference, Number
top, Number left, Number bottom, Number right
- Create an oval annotation in the image with the coordinates [top, left, bottom,
right]. Return the new annotation's ID.
ComplexImage CreatePackedComplexImage( String title,
Number width, Number height )
- Creates a 2D packed complex image of size [width,height] with the given title.
Number CreatePictureAnnotation( ImageReference, Number
top, Number left, Number bottom, Number right,
! PicHandle )
- Create a picture annotation in the image with the coordinates [top, left, bottom,
right] from the picHandle. Return the new annotation's ID.
RGBImage CreateRGBImage( String title, Number
width, Number height )
- Creates a 2D RGB image of size [width,height] with the given title.
RGBImage CreateRGBImageFromPicture( Number picture
- Create an RGB image by drawing into it with a picture
ROI CreateROI( )
- Creates an empty region of interest.
RealImage CreateShortImage( String title, Number
width, Number height )
- Creates a 2D signed 2-byte integer image of size [width,height] with the given title.
Number CreateTextAnnotation( ImageReference, Number
top, Number left, String text )
- Create a text annotation in the image at the position [top,left] with text. Return
the new annotation's ID.
RealImage CrossCorrelate( RealImage source1,
RealImage source2 )
- Return an image which is the result of the cross correlation of source1 and source2.
RealImage CrossCorrelation( RealImage source1,
RealImage source2 )
- Return an image which is the result of the cross correlation of source1 and source2.
RealImage CrossProduct( RealImage a, RealImage
b )
- Return the matrix cross product image of matrix images a and b.
String DateStamp( )
- Return a string representing the current date and time.
String Decimal( Number n )
- Returns the number as a decimal string.
String Decimal( Number n, Number length
- Returns the number as a decimal string of the given length.
void Delay( Number )
- Delay for the given number of tick counts.
void DeleteAnnotation( ImageReference, Number
annotationID )
- Delete the annotation indicated by the annotationID within the image.
void DeleteAnnotationNote( ImageReference, Number
annotationID, String noteLabel )
- Removes the annotation note with the label noteLabel.
void DeleteDirectory( String dirName )
- Deletes the folder named dirName.
void DeleteFile( String fileName )
- Delete the file.
void DeleteImage( ImageVariable )
- Close the image without asking the user to save it.
void DeleteImageFile( String fileName )
- Delete the image file.
void DeleteListEntry( ImageReference, String
tagPath, Number index )
- Deletes the tag with the given index from within the image tag list indicated by
void DeleteNote( ImageReference, String noteLabel
- Removes the image note with the label noteLabel.
void DeletePersistentListEntry( String tagPath,
Number index )
- Deletes the tag with the given index from within the persistent tag list indicated by
void DeletePersistentNote( String noteLabel )
- Removes the note with the label noteLabel from the persistent note list.
void DeselectAnnotation( ImageReference, Number
annotationID )
- Deselect the annotation indicated by the annotationID within the image.
void DestroyPicture( NumberVariable picture )
- Destroy a picture
void DisconnectObject( Number object, String
message, String ident )
- Break the connection specified by ident for the given object and message.
void DisplayAt( ImageReference, Number x, Number
y )
- Display the image's image document if it is not display already and moves the window
position to [x,y] screen coordinates.
RealNumberExpression distance( RealNumberExpression
x, RealNumberExpression y )
- Return sqrt( x * x + y * y ).
Boolean DoesClassExist( String class_name )
Boolean DoesDirectoryExist( String dirName )
- Returns 'true' if the named directory exists
Boolean DoesFileExist( String dirName )
- Returns 'true' if the named file exists
Boolean DoesFunctionExist( String fnName )
- Determines if the given function exists.
Boolean DoesImageExist( Number imageID )
- Determine if the image with imageID exists and returns 1 if it does; return 0
void DoEvents( )
- Process all pending MacOS events.
ComplexNumber DotProduct( ComplexImageExpression,
ComplexImageExpression )
- Return the dot product of two image expressions (which are treated as vectors).
Number DotProduct( RealImageExpression, RealImageExpression
- Return the dot product of two image expressions (which are treated as vectors).
void EditorWindowAddText( DocumentWindow window,
String text )
- Appends the text to a editor window.
void EditorWindowGetFont( DocumentWindow window,
String face_name, NumberVariable attributes, NumberVariable
size, NumberVariable text_encoding )
- Gets the font of a script window.
String EditorWindowGetText( DocumentWindow window
- Gets the text in an editor window.
Boolean EditorWindowPrint( DocumentWindow window
- Prints the editor window.
void EditorWindowSaveToFile( DocumentWindow window,
String path )
- Saves the editor window to the specified path.
void EditorWindowSetFont( DocumentWindow window,
String face_name, Number attributes, Number size, Number
text_encoding )
- Sets the font of a script window.
void EditorWindowSetText( DocumentWindow window,
String text )
- Sets the text in an editor window.
void EMBeamShift( Number xAmount, Number
yAmount )
- Shift the beam by xAmount, yAmount. The EM Control Plug-in must be currently
installed and configured.
void EMChangeFocus( Number amount )
- Change the focus by amount. The EM Control Plug-in must be currently installed and
void EMChangeStigmation( Number xAmount, Number
yAmount )
- Change the stigmation by xAmount, yAmount. The EM Control Plug-in must be currently
installed and configured.
void EMChangeTilt( Number xAmount, Number
yAmount )
- Change the tilt by xAmount, yAmount. The EM Control Plug-in must be currently
installed and configured.
void EMCloseCommunication( )
- Close communication to the microscope. The EM Control Plug-in must be currently
installed and configured.
void EMImageShift( Number xAmount, Number
yAmount )
- Shift the image by xAmount, yAmount. The EM Control Plug-in must be currently
installed and configured.
void EMPrepareImageShift( )
- Prepare image shift. Call this before a sequence of image shift changes. The EM
Control Plug-in must be currently installed and configured.
void EMPrepareShift( )
- Prepare beam shift. Call this before a sequence of beam shift changes. The EM Control
Plug-in must be currently installed and configured.
void EMPrepareStigmation( )
- Prepare stigmation. Call this before a sequence of stigmation changes. The EM Control
Plug-in must be currently installed and configured.
void EMPrepareTilt( )
- Prepare tilt. Call this before a sequence of tilt changes. The EM Control Plug-in
must be currently installed and configured.
void EMSetupCommunication( )
- Setup communication with the microscope. The EM Control Plug-in must be currently
installed and configured.
RealNumberExpression erf( Number )
- Return the error function of the number.
RealNumberExpression erfc( Number )
- Return the complement of the error function of the number.
void ExecutePersistentScriptGroup( String tagPath,
String form )
- Execute a group of script functions in the persistent tag list indicated by tagPath.
The actual scripts executed will be formed by sprintf'ing into the form parameter. The
form parameter should contain exactly one %s in which will be inserted the function name.
Number ExecuteScriptFile( String fileName, Number
script_index )
- Executes the script file indicated by fileName and returns the exit value of that
script. A script may specify a specific exit value by exiting with the exit(n) function.
If a script does not use the exit() function the exit value will be 0.
Number ExecuteScriptFile( String fileName )
- Executes the script file indicated by fileName and returns the exit value of that
script. A script may specify a specific exit value by exiting with the exit(n) function.
If a script does not use the exit() function the exit value will be 0.
void ExecuteScriptGroup( ImageReference image,
String tagPath, String form )
- Execute a group of script functions in the image tag list indicated by tagPath. The
actual scripts executed will be formed by sprintf'ing into the form parameter. The form
parameter should contain exactly one %s in which will be inserted the function name.
Number ExecuteScriptString( String text )
- Executes the script text and returns the exit value of that script. A script may
specify a specific exit value by exiting with the exit(n) function. If a script does not
use the exit() function the exit value will be 0.
void exit( Number )
- Stops execution of the current script immediately and returns the number as the
result of the script.
ComplexNumberExpression exp( ComplexNumberExpression )
- Return the exponential of the number.
RealNumberExpression exp( RealNumberExpression )
- Return the exponential of the number.
RealNumberExpression exp1( RealNumberExpression )
- Return the exponential - 1 of the number.
RealNumberExpression exp10( RealNumberExpression )
- Return 10 raised to the number.
RealNumberExpression exp2( RealNumberExpression )
- Return 2 raised to the number.
RealNumberExpression ExponentialRandom( )
- Return a random number with exponential distribution between [0,1).
ImageExpression ExprSize( Number x, Number
y, Number z, ImageExpression value )
- The ExprSize function is used to declare the size of an image expression that would
otherwise be of an undefined size. The size is set to [x,y,z] and this function will
return the value parameter.
RGBImageExpression ExprSize( ImageReference image,
RGBImageExpression value )
- The ExprSize function is used to declare the size of an image expression that would
otherwise be of an undefined size. The size is set to the size of image expression and
this function will return the value parameter.
RGBImageExpression ExprSize( Number x, Number
y, Number z, RGBImageExpression value )
- The ExprSize function is used to declare the size of a RGB image expression that
would otherwise be of an undefined size. The size is set to [x,y,z] and this function
will return the value parameter.
ImageExpression ExprSize( Number x, Number
y, ImageExpression value )
- The ExprSize function is used to declare the size of an image expression that would
otherwise be of an undefined size. The size is set to [x,y] and this function will return
the value parameter.
RGBImageExpression ExprSize( Number x, Number
y, RGBImageExpression value )
- The ExprSize function is used to declare the size of an RGB image expression that
would otherwise be of an undefined size. The size is set to [x,y] and this function will
return the value parameter.
ComplexImageExpression ExprSize( Number x, Number
y, Number z, ComplexImageExpression value )
- The ExprSize function is used to declare the size of a complex image expression that
would otherwise be of an undefined size. The size is set to [x,y,z] and this function
will return the value parameter.
ComplexImageExpression ExprSize( Number x, Number
y, ComplexImageExpression value )
- The ExprSize function is used to declare the size of a complex image expression that
would otherwise be of an undefined size. The size is set to [x,y] and this function will
return the value parameter.
ComplexImageExpression ExprSize( ImageReference
image, ComplexImageExpression value )
- The ExprSize function is used to declare the size of an image expression that would
otherwise be of an undefined size. The size is set to the size of image expression and
this function will return the value parameter.
RealImageExpression ExprSize( ImageReference image,
RealImageExpression value )
- The ExprSize function is used to declare the size of a real image expression that
would otherwise be of an undefined size. The size is set to the size of image expression
and this function will return the value parameter.
RealImageExpression ExprSize( Number x, Number
y, Number z, RealImageExpression value )
- The ExprSize function is used to declare the size of a real image expression that
would otherwise be of an undefined size. The size is set to [x,y,z] and this function
will return the value parameter.
RealImageExpression ExprSize( Number x, Number
y, RealImageExpression value )
- The ExprSize function is used to declare the size of a real image expression that
would otherwise be of an undefined size. The size is set to [x,y] and this function will
return the value parameter.
void Extract2D_Linear( ImageReference from,
ImageReference to, Number extract_style, Number x_start,
Number y_start, Number x_scale_0, Number y_scale_0,
Number x_scale_1, Number y_scale_1 )
RealNumberExpression Factorial( Number )
- Return the factorial of the number.
ComplexImage FFT( ComplexImage source )
- Creates a new complex 8-byte image from the FFT of the complex image source.
ImageReference FindFrontImage( )
- Returns the front image. Doesn't throw exceptions.
Function FindFunctionBySignature( String signature
- Looks for a function that matches the given signature.
ImageReference FindImageByID( Number id )
- Returns the image having the given id, or an invalid image of no image has that id.
ImageReference FindImageByIndex( Number index
- Returns the 'index'th image.
ImageReference FindImageByLabel( String label
- Returns the image having the given label, or an invalid image if no such image exists.
ImageReference FindImageByName( String name )
- Returns the image having the given name, or an invalid image of no image has that
ImageReference FindNextImage( ImageReference )
- Find the next image.
ImageReference FirstImage( )
- Find the first image.
void FlipHorizontal( ImageReference )
- Flips the image horizontally.
void FlipVertical( ImageReference )
- Flips the image vertically.
void FloatingModelessDialog( String prompt, String
buttonName, Number semaphore )
- Present a floating window with the prompt and buttonName. When the user presses the
button, the semaphore will be cleared. This function can only be used in the background.
RealNumberExpression Floor( RealNumberExpression )
- Return the number truncated to an integer (rounding towards negative infinity).
void FM_ConjMultiplyPackedByPacked( ImageReference
a, ImageReference b )
- Conjugate multiply packed image a by packed image b and store the result in b. No
data type checking is performed. This function uses the array processor if present.
void FM_ConvertInt16ToFloat( ImageReference a,
ImageReference b )
- Convert the signed 2-byte data in image a to real data and store the result in image
b. No data type checking is performed. This function uses the array processor if present.
void FM_ConvertUInt8ToDisplay8( ImageReference src,
Number top, Number left, Number bottom, Number
right, Number dst, Number rowBytes )
- Copy the sub-area of unsigned 1-byte integer image src indicated by
[top,left,bottom,right] to dst. The rowBytes parameter indicates the length of the row of
dst. To copy to the screen, pass 0 for dst and rowBytes. No data type checking is
performed. This function uses the array processor if present.
void FM_ConvertUInt8ToFloat( ImageReference a,
ImageReference b )
- Convert the unsigned 1-byte data in image a to real data and store the result in
image b. No data type checking is performed. This function uses the array processor if
void FM_FinishDMA( ImageReference image )
- Finish an image for DMA access. This function should be called once for every
FM_PrepareDMA() call.
void FM_Flush( )
- Finish any pending operations on the array processor.
Number FM_GetVarianceFloat( ImageReference )
- Return the variance of the image. No data type checking is performed. This function
uses the array processor if present.
void FM_ImageDataChanged( ImageReference image
- Inform the application that the image has changed due to DMA or other memory access.
void FM_MultiplyFloatByFloat( ImageReference a,
ImageReference b )
- Multiply real image a by real image b and store the result in a. No data type
checking is performed. This function uses the array processor if present.
void FM_MultiplyPackedByFloat( ImageReference a,
ImageReference b )
- Multiply packed image a by real image b and store the result in a. No data type
checking is performed. This function uses the array processor if present.
void FM_MultiplyPackedByScalar( ImageReference a,
Number )
- Multiply packed image a by real and store the result in a. No data type checking is
performed. This function uses the array processor if present.
void FM_PackedFFT( ImageReference a )
- Perform an in-place packed FFT on image a. No data type checking is performed. This
function uses the array processor if present.
void FM_PackedIFFT( ImageReference )
- Perform an in-place packed inverse FFT on image a. No data type checking is
performed. This function uses the array processor if present.
void FM_PackedLnModulusToImage( ImageReference
imageSrc, ImageReference imageDst, Number lowLimit,
Number highLimit, Number range )
- Store the unpacked log modulus of the packed complex image imageSrc into imageDst
using the lowLimit, highLimit, and range parameters. No data type checking is performed.
This function uses the array processor if present.
void FM_PrepareDMA( ImageReference image,
NumberVariable logicalAddress, NumberVariable physicalAddress
- Prepare an image for DMA access by locking down the data and preventing it from being
deleted. If DMA access is possible, store the physical address in the physicalAddress
variable. Store the logical address in the logicalAddress variable.The FM_FinishDMA()
function should be called once for every FM_PrepareDMA() call.
void FM_SetMacOnly( Boolean b )
- Disable the plug-in array processor if present. This function may not be supported by
plug-in array processors.
void FM_ShiftCenterFloat( ImageReference a )
- Shift the center of image a in-place (after a forward FFT or before an inverse FFT).
No data type checking is performed. This function uses the array processor if present.
void FM_SubtractMeanPacked( ImageReference a
- Subtract the mean from the packed image a. No data type checking is performed. This
function uses the array processor if present.
void FM_SubtractMultiply( ImageReference a,
ImageReference b, ImageReference c )
- Subtract real image b from real image a, multiply the result by real image c, and
store the result in image a. No data type checking is performed. This function uses the
array processor if present.
void FM_SurveyNormalPackedModulus( ImageReference
image, NumberVariable lowLimit, NumberVariable highLimit
- Survey packed image a and store the minimum and maximum values found into the
lowLimit and highLimit variables. No data type checking is performed. This function uses
the array processor if present.
void FM_TurboFFT( ImageReference buffer,
ImageReference fft, ImageReference dark, ImageReference
gain, Number top, Number left, Number bottom,
Number right, Number dst, Number rowBytes )
- Perform a turbo FFT on the real image fft minus the real dark image and multiplied by
the real gain image. Store the resulting FFT into the packed complex image fft. Copy the
sub-area of unsigned 1-byte integer image src indicated by [top,left,bottom,right] to
dst. The rowBytes parameter indicates the length of the row of dst. To copy to the
screen, pass 0 for dst and rowBytes. The real buffer image is a scratch area. No data
type checking is performed. This function uses the array processor if present.
Boolean FontManagerLookupFont( String base_name,
Number text_encoding, Number kind, String face_name,
NumberVariable size )
- Tries to match a font to the 'base_name', 'text_encoding', and 'kind' specified.
String format( Number, String formatString )
- Convert the number to a string using the printf-style real format specified by
RealImageExpression FourPointAverage( RealImage
source )
- Returns an image expression that evaluates to half the size of the source expression.
Each point in the return image expression is the average of the four corresponding points
in the source expression.
ComplexImageExpression FourPointAverage( ComplexImage
source )
- Returns an image expression that evaluates to half the size of the source expression.
Each point in the return image expression is the average of the four corresponding points
in the source expression.
RGBImageExpression FourPointAverage( RGBImage
source )
- Returns an image expression that evaluates to half the size of the source expression.
Each point in the return image expression is the average of the four corresponding points
in the source expression.
Number FPClassify( Number v )
- Returns the class of the floating point number.
void FreeSemaphore( Number )
- Free the semaphore. Used only with background processing.
Function FunctionNullify( ! )
- Assigns NULL to dst function.
RealNumberExpression Gamma( Number )
- Return the gamma of the number.
RealNumberExpression GammaP( Number, Number )
- Return the incomplete gamma function of two numbers.
RealNumberExpression GammaQ( Number, Number )
- Return the complement of the incomplete gamma function of two numbers.
RealNumberExpression GammaRandom( Number )
- Return a random number with gamma distribution between [0,1).
RealNumberExpression GaussianRandom( )
- Return a random number with gaussian distribution between [0,1).
void Get1DSize( ImageReference, NumberVariable d0
- Store the length of the 1D image into the d0 variable.
void Get2DSize( ImageReference, NumberVariable d0,
NumberVariable d1 )
- Store the width and height of the 2D image into the d0 and d1 variables.
void Get3DSize( ImageReference, NumberVariable d0,
NumberVariable d1, NumberVariable d2 )
- Store the x,y, and z sizes of the 3D image into the d0, d1, and d2 variables.
Boolean GetAnnotationComplexNumberNote( ImageReference, Number
annotationID, String noteLabel, ComplexNumberVariable
noteValue )
- Stores the value of the annotation note with label noteLabel into noteValue variable.
Returns 1 if the note exists returns 0 otherwise.
Boolean GetAnnotationNumberNote( ImageReference, Number
annotationID, String noteLabel, NumberVariable noteValue
- Stores the value of the annotation note with label noteLabel into noteValue variable.
Returns 1 if the note exists returns 0 otherwise.
void GetAnnotationRect( ImageReference, Number
annotationID, NumberVariable top, NumberVariable left,
NumberVariable bottom, NumberVariable right )
- Store the bounds of the annotation indicated by the annotationID within the image
into the top, left, bottom, and right variables.
Boolean GetAnnotationRectNote( ImageReference, Number
annotationID, String noteLabel, NumberVariable top,
NumberVariable left, NumberVariable bottom, NumberVariable
right )
- Gets the value of the annotation note with label noteLabel into the top, left,
bottom, and right variables. Returns 1 if the note exists returns 0 otherwise.
Boolean GetAnnotationRGBNumberNote( ImageReference, Number
annotationID, String noteLabel, RGBNumberVariable
noteValue )
- Stores the value of the annotation note with label noteLabel into noteValue variable.
Returns 1 if the note exists returns 0 otherwise.
Boolean GetAnnotationStringNote( ImageReference, Number
annotationID, String noteLabel, String noteValue )
- Copies the value of the annotation note with the label noteLabel into the noteBuffer
variable. Returns 1 if the note exists returns 0 otherwise.
String GetAnnotationStringNote( ImageReference, Number
annotationID, String noteLabel )
- Returns the value of the annotation note with the label noteLabel. Returns an empty
string if the note does not exist.
String GetApplicationDirectory( Number index,
Boolean create_if_necessary )
- Return one of the application directories. 0=current directory, 1=executable
void GetApplicationFont( Number which_font, String
face_name, NumberVariable attributes, NumberVariable
size, NumberVariable text_encoding )
- Gets the face name, attributes, size, and text encoding of the selected appliction
Boolean GetApplicationInfo( Number info_kind,
NumberVariable info )
- Get application info. For 'info_kind == 0', bit 2 of '*info' is set for demo versions.
DocumentWindow GetApplicationWindow( )
- Gets the application window.
Boolean GetBoolean( String prompt, Boolean
initalValue, NumberVariable result )
- Puts up a dialog with the given prompt and allows the user to enter Boolean. The
initial value is passed as a parameter and the result in stored in result. Returns 1 for
OK and 0 for Cancel.
Boolean GetCalibrationDialog( Number aw, Number
ah, NumberVariable xs, NumberVariable ys, String
initialUnitString, String unitString )
- Present the calibration dialog to the user. The calibrating pixel dimensions are
passed as the [aw,ah] parameters. The resulting calibration is stored into the [xs,ys]
parameters. The initial unit string is passed in and the resulting unit string is stored
into the unitString variable.Returns 1 for OK and 0 for Cancel.
RGBImage GetCLUT( ImageReference )
- Return the image's CLUT as a 256x1 RGB image.
Boolean GetComplexNumberNote( ImageReference, String
noteLabel, ComplexNumberVariable noteValue )
- Stores the value of the image note with label noteLabel into noteValue variable.
Returns 1 if the note exists returns 0 otherwise.
String GetDate( Number dateFormat )
- Return a string representing the current date in the date format indicated by
dateFormat. The dateFormat parameter can be 0=short, 1=long, 2=abbreviated.
Boolean GetDirectoryDialog( String dirName )
- Puts up the GetDirectory dialog and stores the path of the chosen directory in
RGBImage GetDisplayAsImage( ImageReference )
- Convert the display of image to an RGB image.
DocumentWindow GetDocumentWindow( Number index
- Gets the 'index'th document window.
DocumentWindow GetDocumentWindowByTitle( String
name )
- Gets the document window named 'name'.
void GetEstimatedMinMax( ImageReference, NumberVariable
minPtr, NumberVariable maxPtr )
- Store the current estimated minimum and maximum of the image into the minPtr and
maxPtr variables.
String GetExceptionDescription( )
- Return the message that would be displayed in the error dialog box for an exception
as a string.
String GetExceptionString( )
- Return the message that would be displayed in the error dialog box for an exception
as a string.
TagGroup GetFilesInDirectory( String path, Number
search_flags )
- Returns a tag group containing a list of the file names in the directory 'dir_path'
Number GetFileSize( Number file )
- Returns the size of the file.
DocumentWindow GetFloatingWindow( Number index
- Gets the 'index'th floating window.
Boolean GetFourImages( String title, ImageVariable
image1, ImageVariable image2, ImageVariable image3,
ImageVariable image4 )
- Puts up a dialog and allows the user to choose four images. Returns 1 for Ok and 0
for Cancel.
Boolean GetFourImagesWithPrompt( String prompt,
String title, ImageVariable image1, ImageVariable image2,
ImageVariable image3, ImageVariable image4 )
- Puts up a dialog with the given prompt and allows the user to choose four images.
Returns 1 for Ok and 0 for Cancel.
Boolean GetFourLabeledImagesWithPrompt( String
prompt, String title, String label1, ImageVariable
image1, String label2, ImageVariable image2, String
label3, ImageVariable image3, String label4,
ImageVariable image4 )
- Puts up a dialog with the given prompt and allows the user to choose four images.
Returns 1 for Ok and 0 for Cancel.
Boolean GetFrontImage( ImageVariable )
- Set the image variable to represent the foremost image, returns 1 if successful;
return 0 otherwise.
ImageReference GetFrontImage( )
- Return the foremost image.
ImageDocument GetFrontImageDocument( )
- Returns the front image document.
Number GetFrontImageID( )
- Return the id of the front most image window.
Number GetImageDataSeed( ImageReference )
- Return a seed representing the data of the image. Each time the image data changes,
the seed will change.
ImageDocument GetImageDocument( Number position
- Returns the image document by position with the application.
ImageDocument GetImageDocumentByID( Number id
- Returns the image document whose id is 'id'.
ImageReference GetImageFromID( Number imageID
- Return the image corresponding the imageID.
Boolean GetImageFromID( ImageVariable, Number
imageID )
- Store the image corresponding the imageID into the image variable. Return 1 if one is
found; return 0 otherwise.
Number GetImageID( ImageReference )
- Return the id of the image.
Boolean GetInteger( String prompt, Number
initalValue, NumberVariable result )
- Puts up a dialog with the given prompt and allows the user to enter an integer. The
initial value is passed as a parameter and the result in stored in result. Returns 1 for
OK and 0 for Cancel.
Boolean GetInversionMode( ImageReference )
- Return the contrast inversion mode of the image (1=inverted, 0=not inverted).
Number GetKey( )
- Returns the key that was last pressed.
String GetLabel( ImageReference )
- Return the image label of the image.
void GetLimits( ImageReference, NumberVariable
lowPtr, NumberVariable highPtr )
- Stores display limits into the lowPtr and highPtr variables.
void GetMaximalDocumentWindowRect( Number options,
NumberVariable top, NumberVariable left, NumberVariable
bottom, NumberVariable right )
- Gets the bounds of the content region of the largest document window.
String GetName( ImageReference )
- Return the name of the image's image document.
ImageReference GetNamedImage( String name )
- Return the image with the image document name.
Boolean GetNamedImage( ImageVariable, String name
- Store the image with the image document name into the image variable. Return 1 if one
is found; return 0 otherwise.
Number GetNextImageID( Number id )
- Return the id of the image window following the image with the given id.
Boolean GetNoteState( ImageReference, String
noteLabel, NumberVariable hidden )
- Stores whether the image note with the label noteLabel is in the copy-to-image list
into the copyToImage parameter. The hidden parameter is no longer used.
Number GetNthAnnotationID( ImageReference, Number
index )
- Return the ID of the index'th annotation in the image.
DocumentWindow GetNthDocumentWindowOfType( Number
type, Number index )
- Returns the 'index'th document window of type 'type'.
Number GetNthImageID( Number n )
- Return the id of the nth image (number from 0). The images are in no particular order.
Boolean GetNthPersistentNoteTitle( String tagPath,
Number index, StringVariable noteValue )
- Stores the title of the tag with the given index from the persistent tag group
indicated by tagPath into noteValue.
String GetNthPersistentNoteTitle( String tagPath,
Number index )
- Returns the title of the tag with the given index from the persistent tag group
indicated by tagPath.
void GetNthPersistentNumberNote( String tagPath,
Number index, NumberVariable noteValue )
- Stores the number with the given index from the persistent tag list indicated by
tagPath into noteValue.
Boolean GetNumber( String prompt, Number
initalValue, NumberVariable result )
- Puts up a dialog with the given prompt and allows the user to enter a number. The
initial value is passed as a parameter and the result in stored in result. Returns 1 for
OK and 0 for Cancel.
Boolean GetNumberNote( ImageReference, String
noteLabel, NumberVariable noteValue )
- Stores the value of the image note with label noteLabel into noteValue variable.
Returns 1 if the note exists returns 0 otherwise.
Boolean GetOneImage( String title, ImageVariable
image1 )
- Puts up a dialog and allows the user to choose an image. Returns 1 for Ok and 0 for
Boolean GetOneImageWithPrompt( String prompt,
String title, ImageVariable image1 )
- Puts up a dialog and allows the user to choose an image. Returns 1 for Ok and 0 for
Boolean GetOneLabeledImageWithPrompt( String prompt,
String title, String label1, ImageVariable image1
- Puts up a dialog and allows the user to choose an image. Returns 1 for Ok and 0 for
void GetOrigin( ImageReference, NumberVariable x,
NumberVariable y )
- Store the origin of image into the x and y variables. The origin is in the same units
as scale.
Number GetOSTickCount( )
- Return a tick count appropriate for the operating system.
Number GetOSTicksPerSecond( )
- Return the number of ticks per second of a tick count appropriate for the operating
TagGroup GetPackageTags( String identifier )
- Return the tags specified by identifier. The identifier is used to identify tags
loaded with a specific package.
Boolean GetPersistentComplexNumberNote( String
noteLabel, ComplexNumberVariable noteValue )
- Stores the value of the persistent note with label noteLabel into the noteValue
variable. Returns 1 if the note exists returns 0 otherwise.
Boolean GetPersistentLongNote( String noteLabel,
NumberVariable noteValue )
- Stores the value of the persistent note with label noteLabel into the noteValue
variable. Returns 1 if the note exists returns 0 otherwise.
Boolean GetPersistentNoteState( String noteLabel,
NumberVariable copyToImage, NumberVariable hidden )
- Stores whether the note with the label noteLabel is in the copy-to-image list into
the copyToImage parameter. The hidden parameter is no longer used.
Boolean GetPersistentNumberNote( String noteLabel,
NumberVariable noteValue )
- Stores the value of the persistent note with label noteLabel into noteValue variable.
Returns 1 if the note exists returns 0 otherwise.
Boolean GetPersistentPointNote( String noteLabel,
NumberVariable x, NumberVariable y )
- Gets the value of the persistent note with label noteLabel into the x and y
variables. Returns 1 if the note exists returns 0 otherwise.
Boolean GetPersistentRectNote( String noteLabel,
NumberVariable top, NumberVariable left, NumberVariable
bottom, NumberVariable right )
- Gets the value of the persistent note with label noteLabel into the top, left,
bottom, and right variables. Returns 1 if the note exists returns 0 otherwise.
Boolean GetPersistentRGBNumberNote( String
noteLabel, RGBNumberVariable noteValue )
- Stores the value of the persistent note with label noteLabel into the noteValue
variable. Returns 1 if the note exists returns 0 otherwise.
Boolean GetPersistentStringNote( String noteLabel,
String noteBuffer )
- Copies the value of the persistent note with the label noteLabel into the noteBuffer
variable. Returns 1 if the note exists returns 0 otherwise.
String GetPersistentStringNote( String noteLabel
- Returns the value of the persistent note with the label noteLabel. Returns an empty
string if the note does not exist.
TagGroup GetPersistentTagGroup( )
- Gets the persistent tag group.
RGBNumber GetPixel( RGBImage, Number x, Number
y )
- Return the pixel in the image at [x,y].
ComplexNumber GetPixel( ComplexImage, Number x,
Number y )
- Return the pixel in the image at [x,y]. Does not work on packed complex images.
Number GetPixel( RealImage, Number x, Number
y )
- Return the pixel in the image at [x,y].
Number GetPlatformInfo( Number info )
- Return platform info. info=1 is general platform (1=MacOS,2=Windows).
Boolean GetPointNote( ImageReference, String
noteLabel, NumberVariable x, NumberVariable y )
- Gets the value of the image note with label noteLabel into the x and y variables.
Returns 1 if the note exists returns 0 otherwise.
Number GetProcessID( )
- Returns the current process id.
void GetRawStreamPos( Number rawStream,
NumberVariable pos )
- Store the current position in rawStream into the pos variable.
void GetRawStreamSize( Number rawStream,
NumberVariable size )
- Store the length of rawStream into the size variable.
Boolean GetRectNote( ImageReference, String
noteLabel, NumberVariable top, NumberVariable left,
NumberVariable bottom, NumberVariable right )
- Gets the value of the image note with label noteLabel into the top, left, bottom, and
right variables. Returns 1 if the note exists returns 0 otherwise.
DocumentWindow GetResultsWindow( Boolean open
- Gets the results window. If the window is not open, and 'open' is true, the results
window is opened.
Boolean GetRGBColorDialog( String prompt, RGBNumber
defaultColor, RGBNumberVariable result )
- Puts up the Color Picker dialog with the given prompt and allows the user to choose a
color. The default color is passed in and the resulting color is stored in the result
parameter. Returns 1 for OK and 0 for Cancel.
Boolean GetRGBNumberNote( ImageReference, String
noteLabel, RGBNumberVariable noteValue )
- Stores the value of the image note with label noteLabel into noteValue variable.
Returns 1 if the note exists returns 0 otherwise.
ROI GetROIFromID( Number id )
- Returns the region of interest associated with the ID or NULL if it does not exist.
void GetScale( ImageReference, NumberVariable x,
NumberVariable y )
- Store the scale of image into the x and y variables.
void GetScreenSize( NumberVariable width,
NumberVariable height )
- Store the size of the screen into the width and height variables.
ScriptObject GetScriptObjectFromID( Number id
- Returns the script object associated with the ID or NULL if the object does not exist.
Boolean GetSelection( ImageReference, NumberVariable
top, NumberVariable left, NumberVariable bottom,
NumberVariable right )
- Stores the coordinates (in pixels) of the image's selection into the top, left,
bottom, and right variables. Returns 1 if there was a selection and 0 if there wasn't.
void GetSize( ImageReference, NumberVariable width,
NumberVariable height )
- Store the width and height of the 2D image into the width and height variables.
String GetSpecialDirectory( Number index )
- Return one of the special directories. 0=current directory, 1=executable directory.
Number GetSpecialWindow( Number index )
- Return one of the special windows. On Windows, 0=frame window, 1=top-most dialog.
Boolean GetString( String prompt, String
initalValue, String result )
- Puts up a dialog with the given prompt and allows the user to enter a string. The
initial value is passed as a parameter and the result in stored in result. Returns 1 for
OK and 0 for Cancel.
Boolean GetStringFromList( ImageReference, String
tagPath, Number index, String noteBuffer )
- Copies the string with the given index from the image tag list indicated by tagPath
to noteBuffer.
String GetStringFromList( ImageReference, String
tagPath, Number index )
- Returns the string with the given index from the image tag list indicated by tagPath.
String GetStringFromPersistentList( String tagPath,
Number index )
- Returns the string with the given index from the persistent tag list indicated by
Boolean GetStringFromPersistentList( String tagPath,
Number index, String noteBuffer )
- Copies the string with the given index from the persistent tag list indicated by
tagPath to noteBuffer.
String GetStringNote( ImageReference, String
noteLabel )
- Returns the value of the image note with the label noteLabel. Returns an empty
string if the note does not exist.
Boolean GetStringNote( ImageReference, String
noteLabel, String noteValue )
- Copies the value of the image note with the label noteLabel into the noteBuffer
variable. Returns 1 if the note exists returns 0 otherwise.
Boolean GetThreeImages( String title, ImageVariable
image1, ImageVariable image2, ImageVariable image3
- Puts up a dialog and allows the user to choose three images. Returns 1 for Ok and 0
for Cancel.
Boolean GetThreeImagesWithPrompt( String prompt,
String title, ImageVariable image1, ImageVariable image2,
ImageVariable image3 )
- Puts up a dialog with the given prompt and allows the user to choose three images.
Returns 1 for Ok and 0 for Cancel.
Boolean GetThreeLabeledImagesWithPrompt( String
prompt, String title, String label1, ImageVariable
image1, String label2, ImageVariable image2, String
label3, ImageVariable image3 )
- Puts up a dialog with the given prompt and allows the user to choose three images.
Returns 1 for Ok and 0 for Cancel.
Number GetTicks( )
- Return the MacOS system tick count.
Number GetTicksPerSecond( )
- Return the number of ticks per second.
String GetTime( Boolean wantSeconds )
- Return a string representing the current time with or without seconds as indicated by
the wantSeconds parameter.
Boolean GetTwoImages( String title, ImageVariable
image1, ImageVariable image2 )
- Puts up a dialog and allows the user to choose two images. Returns 1 for Ok and 0
for Cancel.
Boolean GetTwoImagesWithPrompt( String prompt,
String title, ImageVariable image1, ImageVariable image2
- Puts up a dialog with the given prompt and allows the user to choose two images.
Returns 1 for Ok and 0 for Cancel.
Boolean GetTwoLabeledImagesWithPrompt( String
prompt, String title, String label1, ImageVariable
image1, String label2, ImageVariable image2 )
- Puts up a dialog with the given prompt and allows the user to choose two images.
Returns 1 for Ok and 0 for Cancel.
Number GetUnitsH( ImageReference, Number x )
- Return the horizontal pixels x in calibrated units.
String GetUnitString( ImageReference )
- Returns the unit string of the image.
Number GetUnitsV( ImageReference, Number y )
- Return the vertical pixels y in calibrated units.
void GetWindowPosition( ImageReference, NumberVariable
xPos, NumberVariable yPos )
- Store the image's image document window position into the xPos and yPos variables.
void GetWindowSize( ImageReference, NumberVariable
width, NumberVariable height )
- Store the image's image document window size into the width and height variables.
Number GetZoom( ImageReference )
- Return the zoom of the image display.
void GrabSemaphore( Number )
- Grab the semaphore. Block until it is available. Used only with background processing.
RealNumberExpression green( RGBNumberExpression )
- Return the green portion of an RGB number.
void GroupAnnotationUngroup( Component comp )
- Ungroups the group annotation.
Boolean HasAcquisitionDaemon( ImageReference )
- Returns 1 if the image has an attached daemon and returns 0 otherwise.
String Hex( Number n )
- Returns the number as a hexidecimal string.
String Hex( Number n, Number length
- Returns the number as a hexidecimal string of the given length.
void HideImage( ImageReference )
- Hide the image's image document.
ComplexImage IFFT( ComplexImage source )
- Creates a new complex 8-byte image from the inverse FFT of the complex image source.
void ImageData_CacheChanged( Number imageDataID
- Tell the array processor manager that the cached image has changed. See the SDK
documentation for more information.
void ImageData_Changed( Number imageDataID )
- Tell the array processor manager that the image has changed. See the SDK
documentation for more information.
void ImageData_FlushCache( Number imageDataID
- Tell the array processor manager to flush the image from the cache. See the SDK
documentation for more information.
Number ImageData_GetSeed( Number imageDataID
- Ask the array processor manager for the data seed of the image. See the SDK
documentation for more information.
Boolean ImageData_IsLocalCopyValid( Number
imageDataID )
- Ask the array processor manager if the local copy is valid or not. See the SDK
documentation for more information.
void ImageData_SetLocalSeed( Number imageDataID,
Number value )
- Tell the array processor manager to set the local data seed. See the SDK
documentation for more information.
ImageDisplay ImageDisplayNullify( ! )
ImageDocument ImageDocumentNullify( ! )
ImageReference ImageNullify( ! )
ImageDocument ImageWindowGetImageDocument( DocumentWindow
window )
- Gets the image document displayed in the window.
RealNumberExpression imaginary( ComplexNumberExpression
- Return the imaginary portion of the complex number.
RealImageExpression Index( RealImage, RealImageExpression
x, RealImageExpression y )
- Returns a pixel in the given real image at the position [x,y]. Performs bounds
RealImageExpression Index( RealImage, RealImageExpression
x, RealImageExpression y, RealImageExpression z )
- Returns a pixel in the given real image at the position [x,y,z]. Performs bounds
ComplexImageExpression Index( ComplexImage,
RealImageExpression x, RealImageExpression y, RealImageExpression
z )
- Returns a pixel in the given Complex image at the position [x,y,z]. Performs bounds
RGBImageExpression Index( RGBImage, RealImageExpression
x, RealImageExpression y, RealImageExpression z )
- Returns a pixel in the given RGB image at the position [x,y,z]. Performs bounds
ComplexImageExpression Index( ComplexImage,
RealImageExpression x, RealImageExpression y )
- Returns a pixel in the given complex image at the position [x,y]. Performs bounds
RGBImageExpression Index( RGBImage, RealImageExpression
x, RealImageExpression y )
- Returns a pixel in the given RGB image at the position [x,y]. Performs bounds
Number InstallScriptLibraryFile( String fileName
- Loads the script file indicated by fileName, executes it, and publishes any functions
contained inside. Always returns 0.
RealImage IntegerImage( String title, Number
bytes, Boolean isSigned, Number d0 )
- Creates a 1D integer image of size [d0] with the given title. The bytes and isSigned
parameters specify integer specific attributes of the data.
RealImage IntegerImage( String title, Number
bytes, Boolean isSigned, Number d0, Number d1,
Number d2 )
- Creates a 3D integer image of size [d0,d1,d2] with the given title. The bytes can be
1, 2, or 4 and isSigned can be 1 (true) or 0 (false).
RealImage IntegerImage( String title, Number
bytes, Boolean isSigned, Number d0, Number d1
- Creates a 2D integer image of size [d0,d1] with the given title. The bytes and
isSigned parameters specify integer specific attributes of the data.
Number integrate( RealImageExpression )
- Return the sum of all pixel values of the image expression.
Boolean IsAnnotationSelected( ImageReference, Number
annotationID )
- Return 1 if the annotation indicated by the annotationID within the image is
selected; returns 0 otherwise.
Boolean IsBinaryDataType( ImageReference )
- Returns 1 if the image is an binary data type; returns 0 otherwise.
Boolean IsByteImage( ImageReference )
- Returns 1 if the image is unsigned 1-byte integer data; returns 0 otherwise.
Boolean IsComplexDataType( ImageReference, Number
bytes )
- Returns 1 if the image is an complex data type of size bytes; returns 0 otherwise.
Boolean IsComplexImage( ImageReference )
- Returns 1 if the image is single precision complex data; returns 0 otherwise.
Boolean IsDisplayValid( ImageReference )
- Return 1 if the image's display is up-to-date and 0 otherwise.
Boolean IsExceptionUserAbort( )
- Returns true if the exception currently in effect is a user abort.
Boolean IsFloatImage( ImageReference )
- Returns 1 if the image is single precision real data; returns 0 otherwise.
Boolean IsImageComplex( Number id )
- Return true or false to indicate whether given image with the given id is
complex-valued or not.
Boolean IsImageReal( Number id )
- Return true or false to indicate whether given image with the given id is real-valued
or not.
Boolean IsImageRGB( Number id )
- Return true or false to indicate whether given image with the given id is RGB-valued
or not.
Boolean IsInfinite( Number v )
- Returns true if the value is infinite.
Boolean IsIntegerDataType( ImageReference, Number
bytes, Boolean isSigned )
- Returns 1 if the image is an integer data type of size bytes with a matching sign
charateristic as signed; returns 0 otherwise.
Boolean IsLongImage( ImageReference )
- Returns 1 if the image is signed 4-byte integer data; returns 0 otherwise.
Boolean IsNan( Number v )
- Returns true if the value is not a number.
Boolean IsPackedComplexImage( ImageReference )
- Returns 1 if the image is packed complex data; returns 0 otherwise.
Boolean IsRealDataType( ImageReference, Number
bytes )
- Returns 1 if the image is an real data type of size bytes; returns 0 otherwise.
Boolean IsRGBDataType( ImageReference, Number bytes
- Returns 1 if the image is an RGB data type of size bytes; returns 0 otherwise.
Boolean IsShortImage( ImageReference )
- Returns 1 if the image is signed 2-byte integer data; returns 0 otherwise.
void KeepImage( ImageReference )
- Keep the image from being deleted automatically when the image's script scope is
void KillProcess( Number pid )
- Kills the process specified by pid.
String left( String, Number count )
- Returns leftmost count characters of a string.
RealNumberExpression LegendrePolynomial( Number, Number,
Number )
- Return the Legendre polynomial function for a number.
Number len( String )
- Returns the length of a string.
LinePlotImageDisplay LinePlotImageDisplayNullify( ! )
void LoadNotes( ImageReference, String tagPath,
String fileName )
- Loads the image notes from the given fileName into tagPath. This function will read
the group name from the file. The tagPath must refer to a group.
void LoadNotesAs( ImageReference, String tagPath,
String fileName )
- Loads the image notes from the given fileName into tagPath. The tagPath must refer to
a group.
void LoadPersistentNotes( String tagPath, String
fileName )
- Loads the persistent notes from the given fileName into tagPath. This function will
read the group name from the file. The tagPath must refer to a group.
void LoadPersistentNotesAs( String tagPath, String
fileName )
- Loads the persistent notes from the given fileName into tagPath. The tagPath must
refer to a group.
ComplexNumberExpression log( ComplexNumberExpression )
- Return the logarithm of the number.
RealNumberExpression log( RealNumberExpression )
- Return the natural logarithm of the number.
RealNumberExpression log1( RealNumberExpression )
- Return the natural logarithm of the number + 1.
RealNumberExpression log10( RealNumberExpression )
- Return the logarithm base 10 of the number.
RealNumberExpression log2( RealNumberExpression )
- Return the logarithm base 2 of the number.
RealNumberExpression LogGamma( Number )
- Return the log gamma of the number.
RealImage LUDecomposition( RealImage a, RealImage
b )
- Return the image resulting from a LU decomposition on images a,b.
Number MatrixDeterminant( RealImage a )
- Return the matrix determinant number of matrix image a.
RealImage MatrixInverse( RealImage a )
- Return the matrix inverse image of matrix image a.
RealImage MatrixMultiply( RealImage a, RealImage
b )
- Return the matrix product image of matrix images a and b.
void MatrixPrint( ImageReference a )
- Print an image as a matrix to the results window.
ComplexImage MatrixTranspose( ComplexImage a
- Return the matrix transpose image of matrix image a.
RGBImage MatrixTranspose( RGBImage a )
- Return the matrix transpose image of matrix image a.
RealImage MatrixTranspose( RealImage a )
- Return the matrix transpose image of matrix image a.
RealNumberExpression max( RealNumberExpression,
RealNumberExpression )
- Return the maximum of the two numbers.
Number max( RealImageExpression, NumberVariable x,
NumberVariable y )
- Finds the maximum pixel in the image, stores the coordinates of that pixel into x and
y, and returns the value of the pixel.
Number max( RealImageExpression )
- Return the maxmimum pixel within the image expression.
RealNumberExpression Maximum( RealNumberExpression... )
- Return the maximum of a list of numbers.
Number mean( RealImageExpression )
- Return the mean pixel value of the image expression.
Number MeanSquare( RealImageExpression )
- Return the mean square of all pixel values of the image expression.
RealNumberExpression Median( RealNumberExpression... )
- Return the median of a list of numbers.
RealImage MedianFilter( ImageReference source,
Number filterType, Number size )
- Performs a median filter on the source image according to the filterType parameter
(0=horizontal, 1=vertical, 2=cross, 3=entire) and the size parameter. Size specifies size
in each direction - so a 'size' of 2 is a 5x5 window.
String mid( String, Number offset, Number
count )
- Returns count characters of a string starting at offset.
RealNumberExpression min( RealNumberExpression,
RealNumberExpression )
- Return the minimum of the two numbers.
Number min( RealImageExpression, NumberVariable x,
NumberVariable y )
- Finds the minimum pixel in the image, stores the coordinates of that pixel into x and
y, and returns the value of the pixel.
Number min( RealImageExpression )
- Return the minimum pixel within the image expression.
RealNumberExpression Minimum( RealNumberExpression... )
- Return the minimum of a list of numbers.
void minmax( RealImageExpression, NumberVariable
minP, NumberVariable maxP )
- Finds the minimum and maximum pixel in the image and store those values into minP and
RealNumberExpression mod( RealNumberExpression,
RealNumberExpression )
- Return the modulus of the first number divided by the second number.
void ModelessDialog( String prompt, String
buttonName, Number semaphore )
- Present a modeless dialog with the prompt and buttonName. When the user presses the
button, the semaphore will be cleared. This function can only be used in the background.
RealNumberExpression modulus( ComplexNumberExpression )
- Return the modulus of a complex number.
void MoveAnnotation( ImageReference, Number
annotationID, Number top, Number left, Number
bottom, Number right )
- Set the bounds of the annotation indicated by the annotationID within the image to
[top, left, bottom, right].
RealImage MPClose( RealImage image, Number
neighbors )
- Morphologically close the image using the neighbors parameter to control the closing
and return the resulting image. The source image must be binary.
RealImage MPDilate( RealImage image, Number
neighbors )
- Morphologically dilate the image using the neighbors parameter to control the
dilation and return the resulting image. The source image must be binary.
RealImage MPDistanceMap( ImageReference image
- Generate a distance map from the source image and return the resulting real image.
The source image must be binary.
RealImage MPErode( RealImage image, Number
neighbors )
- Morphologically erode the image using the neighbors parameter to control the erosion
and return the resulting image. The source image must be binary.
RealImage MPEuclideanDistanceMap( ImageReference
image )
- Generate a Euclidean distance map from the source image and return the resulting real
image. The source image must be binary.
ComplexImage MPExactDistanceMap( ImageReference
image )
- Generate an exact distance map from the source image and return the resulting complex
image. The source image must be binary.
RealImage MPOpen( RealImage image, Number
neighbors )
- Morphologically open the image using the neighbors parameter to control the opening
and return the resulting image. The source image must be binary.
RealImage MPOutline( RealImage image )
- Morphologically outline the image and return the resulting image. The source image
must be binary.
Number Nan( String tag, Boolean
is_signaling )
- Returns a nan containing the specified tag.
RealNumberExpression Nearest( RealNumberExpression )
- Return the number rounded to the nearest integer.
Function NewAbstractMethod( String method_name,
String method_signature )
- Returns an abstract method with name 'method_name' and signature 'method_signature'.
Component NewArrowAnnotation( Number top, Number
left, Number bottom, Number right )
- Creates a new arrow annotation.
Component NewBoxAnnotation( Number top, Number
left, Number bottom, Number right )
- Creates a new box annotation.
Function NewCallbackFunction( String
method_signature, ! callback, Number linkage_style
- Creates a function representing a callback to a C function 'callback'.
Component NewComponent( Number type, Number
f1, Number f2, Number f3, Number f4 )
- Creates a new annotaiton of type 'type'
Component NewDoubleArrowAnnotation( Number top,
Number left, Number bottom, Number right )
- Creates a new double arrow annotation.
Function NewFunctionFromScript( String script,
String signature )
- Compiles script and returns the function matching signature.
Component NewGroupAnnotation( )
- Creates a new group annotation.
ImageReference NewImage( String title, Number
type, Number d0, Number d1, Number d2, Number
d3 )
- Creates a 4D image of type 'type' and size [d0,d1,d2,d3] with the given title.
ImageReference NewImage( String title, Number
type, Number d0, Number d1, Number d2 )
- Creates a 3D image of type 'type' and size [d0,d1,d2] with the given title.
ImageReference NewImage( String title, Number
type, Number d0, Number d1 )
- Creates a 2D image of type 'type' and size [d0,d1] with the given title.
ImageReference NewImage( String title, Number
type, Number d0 )
- Creates a 1D image of type 'type' and size [d0] with the given title.
ImageDocument NewImageDocument( String title
- Creates an empty image document.
ImageDocument NewImageDocumentFromFile( String
path_name )
- Creates a new image document from a file.
ImageReference NewImageFromFile( String file_path
- Opens a file and reads it as an image.
Component NewLineAnnotation( Number top, Number
left, Number bottom, Number right )
- Creates a new line annotation.
ImageReference NewLiveFFT( ImageDisplay
imageDisplay, ROI roi, Boolean reduce )
- Creates a new live fft of the area in 'roi', that is reduced if 'reduce' is 'true'
ImageReference NewLiveHistogram( ImageDisplay
imageDisplay, ROI roi, Number num_channels )
- Creates a new live histogram of the area in 'roi', binned by 'num_channels'
ImageReference NewLiveProfile( ImageDisplay
imageDisplay, Number start_x, Number start_y, Number
end_x, Number end_y, Number width )
- Creates a new live profile from (start_x,start_y) to (end_x,end_y)
Component NewOvalAnnotation( Number top, Number
left, Number bottom, Number right )
- Creates a new oval annotation.
Component NewPictureAnnotation( Number top, Number
left, Number bottom, Number right, Number
picture )
- Creates a new picture annotation.
- Creates an empty region of interest.
DocumentWindow NewScriptWindow( String title,
Number top, Number left, Number bottom, Number
right )
- Creates a new editor window.
DocumentWindow NewScriptWindowFromFile( String
file_name, String font_name, Number attributes, Number
size, Number encoding, Number top, Number
left, Number bottom, Number right )
- Opens a file into a script window.
DocumentWindow NewScriptWindowFromFile( String
file_name )
- Opens a file into a script window.
DocumentWindow NewScriptWindowFromFile( String
file_name, Number top, Number left, Number
bottom, Number right )
- Opens a file into a script window.
DocumentWindow NewScriptWindowFromFile( String
file_name, String font_name, Number attributes, Number
size, Number encoding )
- Opens a file into a script window.
Number NewSemaphore( )
- Create a semaphore. Used only with background processing.
ScriptObject NewStreamFromBuffer( Number
initial_size )
- Creates a new stream object from from a memory buffer with initial size
ScriptObject NewStreamFromFileReference( Number
file_ref, Boolean do_close )
- Creates a new stream object from the file reference. On destruction, closes the file
reference if 'do_close' is true.
TagGroup NewTagGroup( )
- Creates an empty tag group.
TagGroup NewTagList( )
- Creates an empty tag list.
Component NewTextAnnotation( Number left, Number
top, String text, Number size )
- Creates a new text annotation.
ImageReference NextImage( ImageReference )
- Find the next image.
RGBImageExpression NoClipIndex( RGBImage, RealImageExpression
x, RealImageExpression y, RealImageExpression z )
- Returns a pixel in the given RGB image at the position [x,y,z]. Does not perform
bounds checking. This is slightly faster than Index().
RealImageExpression NoClipIndex( RealImage,
RealImageExpression x, RealImageExpression y )
- Returns a pixel in the given real image at the position [x,y]. Does not perform
bounds checking. This is slightly faster than Index().
RGBImageExpression NoClipIndex( RGBImage, RealImageExpression
x, RealImageExpression y )
- Returns a pixel in the given RGB image at the position [x,y]. Does not perform bounds
checking. This is slightly faster than Index().
ComplexImageExpression NoClipIndex( ComplexImage,
RealImageExpression x, RealImageExpression y, RealImageExpression
z )
- Returns a pixel in the given Complex image at the position [x,y,z]. Does not perform
bounds checking. This is slightly faster than Index().
RealImageExpression NoClipIndex( RealImage,
RealImageExpression x, RealImageExpression y, RealImageExpression
z )
- Returns a pixel in the given real image at the position [x,y,z]. Does not perform
bounds checking. This is slightly faster than Index().
ComplexImageExpression NoClipIndex( ComplexImage,
RealImageExpression x, RealImageExpression y )
- Returns a pixel in the given Complex image at the position [x,y]. Does not perform
bounds checking. This is slightly faster than Index().
RealNumberExpression norm( ComplexNumberExpression )
- Return the norm of a complex number. This is the modulus squared.
void ObjectTransformCompose( Number i1_o_x, Number
i1_o_y, Number i1_s_x, Number i1_s_y, Number
i2_o_x, Number i2_o_y, Number i2_s_x, Number
i2_s_y, NumberVariable o_o_x, NumberVariable o_o_y,
NumberVariable o_s_x, NumberVariable o_s_y )
- Composes the transform (i1_o_x,i1_o_y,i1_s_x,i1_s_y) with
(i2_o_x,i2_o_y,i2_s_x,i2_s_y) and places the result in (*o_o_x,*o_o_y,*o_s_x,*o_s_y).
void ObjectTransformInvert( Number i_o_x, Number
i_o_y, Number i_s_x, Number i_s_y, NumberVariable
o_o_x, NumberVariable o_o_y, NumberVariable o_s_x,
NumberVariable o_s_y )
- Inverts the transform (i_o_x,i_o_y,i_s_x,i_s_y) and places the result in
void ObjectTransformTransformPoint( Number i_o_x,
Number i_o_y, Number i_s_x, Number i_s_y, Number
i_p_x, Number i_p_y, NumberVariable o_p_x,
NumberVariable o_p_y )
- Transforms the point (i_p_x,i_p_y) by the transform (i_o_x,i_o_y,i_s_x,i_s_y) and
places the result in (*o_p_x,*o_p_y).
void ObjectTransformTransformRect( Number i_o_x,
Number i_o_y, Number i_s_x, Number i_s_y, Number
i_r_t, Number i_r_l, Number i_r_b, Number
i_r_r, NumberVariable o_r_t, NumberVariable o_r_l,
NumberVariable o_r_b, NumberVariable o_r_r )
- Transforms the point (i_r_t,i_r_l,i_r_b,i_r_r) by the transform
(i_o_x,i_o_y,i_s_x,i_s_y) and places the result in (*o_r_t,*o_r_l,*o_r_b,*o_r_r).
void ObjectTransformUntransformPoint( Number i_o_x,
Number i_o_y, Number i_s_x, Number i_s_y, Number
i_p_x, Number i_p_y, NumberVariable o_p_x,
NumberVariable o_p_y )
- Transforms the point (i_p_x,i_p_y) by the transform (i_o_x,i_o_y,i_s_x,i_s_y) and
places the result in (*o_p_x,*o_p_y).
void ObjectTransformUntransformRect( Number i_o_x,
Number i_o_y, Number i_s_x, Number i_s_y, Number
i_r_t, Number i_r_l, Number i_r_b, Number
i_r_r, NumberVariable o_r_t, NumberVariable o_r_l,
NumberVariable o_r_b, NumberVariable o_r_r )
- Transforms the point (i_r_t,i_r_l,i_r_b,i_r_r) by the transform
(i_o_x,i_o_y,i_s_x,i_s_y) and places the result in (*o_r_t,*o_r_l,*o_r_b,*o_r_r).
String Octal( Number n )
- Returns the number as an octal string.
String Octal( Number n, Number length
- Returns the number the number as an octal string of the given length.
ComplexImageExpression Offset( ComplexImage, Number
deltax, Number deltay )
- Returns the pixel with the offset specified by [dh,dv] from the current evaluation
position within the image.
RGBImageExpression Offset( RGBImage, Number deltax,
Number deltay )
- Returns the pixel with the offset specified by [dh,dv] from the current evaluation
position within the image.
RealImageExpression Offset( RealImage, Number dh,
Number dv )
- Returns the pixel with the offset specified by [dh,dv] from the current evaluation
position within the image.
void OffsetAnnotation( ImageReference, Number
annotationID, Number deltax, Number deltay )
- Offset the annotation indicated by the annotationID within the image by [deltax,
Boolean OkCancelDialog( String prompt )
- Puts up a dialog with the given prompt. Returns 1 for OK and 0 for Cancel.
void OkDialog( String prompt )
- Puts up a dialog with the given prompt.
void OpenAndSetProgressWindow( String line1, String
line2, String line3 )
- Open the progress window and sets the text within to line1, line2, and line3.
Boolean OpenDialog( String pathname )
- Puts up an Open dialog, allows the user to select a file, and stores the pathname
into the pathname variable. Returns 1 for OK and 0 for Cancel.
Number OpenFileForReading( String fileName )
- Open the file for reading. Return the file reference for this file. This call must be
balanced with call to CloseFile() with the returned reference number.
Number OpenFileForReadingAndWriting( String
fileName )
- Open the file for reading and writing. Return the file reference for this file. This
call must be balanced with call to CloseFile() with the returned reference number.
Number OpenFileForWriting( String fileName )
- Open the file for writing. Return the file reference for this file. This call must be
balanced with call to CloseFile() with the returned reference number.
ImageReference OpenImage( String fileName )
- Open the image with the filename. Returns the opened image.
void OpenResultsWindow( )
- Open the results window if it is not already open.
void OpenTimeBar( String prompt, Number
total )
- Opens the time bar with the given prompt. The total parameter is ignored.
CloseTimeBar() must be invoked exactly once for every OpenTimeBar() call.
Boolean OptionDown( )
- Returns 1 if the option key is down and 0 otherwise.
ComplexImage PackedFFT( RealImage source )
- Creates a new packed complex image from the FFT of the real image source.
RealImage PackedIFFT( ComplexImage source )
- Creates a new real image from the inverse FFT of the packed complex image source.
ComplexImage PackedToComplex( ComplexImage source
- Creates a new complex 8-byte image from the packed complex source.
String PathAddParentIndirection( String path
- Returns 'path' appended with a string denoting indirection to the parent directory
String PathBeginRelative( )
- Returns a string that begins a relative path
String PathConcatenate( String initial_path, String
final_path )
- Concatenates 'final_path' to 'initial_path' to create a new path, adding separators
as necessary.
String PathExtractBaseName( String path, Number
path_type )
- Returns the base name portion of 'dir_path', where 'path_type' denotes '1' for Mac
paths, '2' for Windows paths, and '0' for current OS paths
String PathExtractDirectory( String path, Number
path_type )
- Returns the directory portion of 'dir_path', where 'path_type' denotes '1' for Mac
paths, '2' for Windows paths, and '0' for current OS paths
String PathExtractExtension( String path, Number
path_type )
- Returns the extension portion of 'dir_path', where 'path_type' denotes '1' for Mac
paths, '2' for Windows paths, and '0' for current OS paths
String PathExtractFileName( String path, Number
path_type )
- Returns the file name portion of 'dir_path', where 'path_type' denotes '1' for Mac
paths, '2' for Windows paths, and '0' for current OS paths
String PathExtractParentDirectory( String path,
Number path_type )
- Returns the parent directory portion of 'dir_path', where 'path_type' denotes '1' for
Mac paths, '2' for Windows paths, and '0' for current OS paths
String PathGetFullpath( String path )
- Returns the full path name of the file denoted by 'dir_path'
RealNumberExpression Phase( ComplexNumberExpression )
- Return the phase of the complex number.
Number Pi( )
- Return an approximation of pi.
void PictureAnnotationSetPicture( Component comp,
Number picture )
- Sets the picture of an annotation.
void PIctureGetBounds( Number picture,
NumberVariable top, NumberVariable left, NumberVariable
bottom, NumberVariable right )
- Gets the preferred bounds of the picture for display on the screen.
RealNumberExpression PoissonRandom( Number )
- Return a random number with poisson distribution between [0,1).
ComplexNumberExpression Polar( ComplexNumberExpression )
- Return the polar representation of the rectangular complex number.
ComplexNumber Polynomial( ComplexImageExpression,
ComplexNumber x )
- Return the polynomial a0 + a1*x + a2*x*x ... where x is the free variable and a0 ...
aN are the pixels of the image.
Number Polynomial( RealImageExpression, Number x
- Return the polynomial a0 + a1*x + a2*x*x ... where x is the free variable and a0 ...
aN are the pixels of the image.
void PrintImage( ImageReference )
- Print the image.
Number product( RealImageExpression )
- Return the product of all pixel values of the image expression.
ComplexNumber product( ComplexImageExpression )
- Return the product of all pixel values of the image expression.
RealNumberExpression random( )
- Return a random number in the range 0 to 65535.
RasterImageDisplay RasterImageDisplayNullify( ! )
RealImage RasterizeRGB( RGBImage source, Boolean
dither )
- Rasterize the source RGB image and return the resulting Raster image displayed image
with an appropriate color table. The dither parameter controls dithering.
void RawCopyImage( ImageReference src,
ImageReference dst )
- Copies the src image to the dst image ignoring data types. The data type sizes of the
two images must be the same.
String ReadFile( Number file, Number
encoding, Number count )
- Reads count bytes from a file, returning them as a string assuming they have the
specified encoding.
String ReadFile( Number file, Number
count )
- Read count bytes from the file, returning them as a string.
Boolean ReadFileLine( Number file, String
string )
- Read a line of text from the file, storing it into the string variable. Return 1 if
successful and 0 otherwise.
Boolean ReadFileLine( Number file, Number
encoding, String string )
- Read a line of text from the file, storing it into the string variable, assuming the
text has the specified encoding. Return 1 if successful and 0 otherwise.
void ReadRawStream( Number rawStream, Number
data, Number length )
- Read length bytes from rawStream and store it into the memory pointed to by data.
RealNumberExpression real( ComplexNumberExpression )
- Return the real portion of the complex number.
ComplexImage RealFFT( RealImage source )
- Creates a new complex 8-byte image from the FFT of the real image source.
RealImage RealIFFT( ComplexImage source )
- Creates a new real image from the inverse FFT of the complex 8-byte image source.
RealImage RealImage( String title, Number
bytes, Number d0 )
- Creates a 1D real image of size [d0] with the given title. The bytes parameter can be
4 or 8 for single and double precision floating point numbers.
RealImage RealImage( String title, Number
bytes, Number d0, Number d1 )
- Creates a 2D real image of size [d0,d1] with the given title. The bytes parameter can
be 4 or 8 for single and double precision floating point numbers.
RealImage RealImage( String title, Number
bytes, Number d0, Number d1, Number d2
- Creates a 3D real image of size [d0,d1,d2] with the given title. The bytes parameter
can be 4 or 8 for single and double precision floating point numbers.
ComplexNumberExpression Rect( ComplexNumberExpression )
- Return the rectangular representation of the polar complex number.
RealNumberExpression red( RGBNumberExpression )
- Return the red portion of an RGB number.
void Reduce( ImageReference )
- Reduces the image by 2X.
ComplexImage ReducedFFT( ImageReference source
- Creates a new packed complex image from the FFT of the real image source after
reducing the source by a factor of 2.
void RegisterClass( String class_name, String
parent_class_name, ! alloc_proc, ! dealloc_proc, Number
refCon )
Number RegisterCustomMenu( Number menuHandler
- Register a custom menu. See the SDK documentation for more information.
void RegisterMenuAdjustment( String menuName,
String adjustedMenuName )
- Unregister a menu name adjustment. See the SDK documentation for more information.
Number RegisterObjectListener( Number object,
Number proc, Number refCon )
- Add object listener to OM object. See the SDK documentation for more information.
void RegisterScriptPalette( ScriptObject, String
type, String name )
void ReleaseSemaphore( Number )
- Release a semaphore. Used only with background processing.
RealNumberExpression remainder( RealNumberExpression,
RealNumberExpression )
- Return the remainder of the first number divided by the second number.
void RemovePathFromCopyToImageList( String path
- Removes 'path' from the copy to image list.
void RemoveScriptFromMenu( String commandName,
String menuName, String optionalSubMenuName )
- Removes the given menu command from the menu. The commandName indicates the string by
which this script is known to the application. The menuName and optionalSubMenuName
parameters specify the menu.
void Result( String )
- Output the string to the results window.
void Result( Number, String format )
- Output the real number with the printf-style format to the results window.
void Result( Number )
- Output the real number to the results window.
void Result( RGBNumber )
- Output the RGB number to the results window.
void Result( ComplexNumber )
- Output the complex number to the results window.
RGBNumberExpression rgb( RealNumberExpression red,
RealNumberExpression green, RealNumberExpression blue )
- Creates an RGB number from the individual number components.
RGBNumberExpression rgba( RealNumberExpression red,
RealNumberExpression green, RealNumberExpression blue,
RealNumberExpression alpha )
- Creates an RGB number from the individual number components, including the alpha
RGBImage RGBImage( String title, Number
bytes, Number d0, Number d1, Number d2
- Creates a 3D RGB image of size [d0,d1,d2] with the given title. The bytes parameter
must be 4.
RGBImage RGBImage( String title, Number
bytes, Number d0, Number d1 )
- Creates a 2D RGB image of size [d0,d1] with the given title. The bytes parameter must
be 4.
RGBImage RGBImage( String title, Number
bytes, Number d0 )
- Creates a 1D RGB image of size [d0] with the given title. The bytes parameter must be
String right( String, Number count )
- Returns rightmost count characters of a string.
Number RMS( RealImageExpression )
- Return the RMS of all pixel values of the image expression.
ROI ROINullify( ! )
RealImage Rotate( ImageReference source, Number
radians )
- Creates a new real image by rotating the source image counterclockwise by radians.
void RotateLeft( ImageReference )
- Rotates the image to the left by 90¡.
void RotateRight( ImageReference )
- Rotates the image to the right by 90¡.
RealNumberExpression Round( RealNumberExpression )
- Return the number converted to integer using current rounding mode.
void Save( ImageReference )
- Save the image under the it's current filename.
Boolean SaveAsDialog( String prompt, String
defaultName, String saveName )
- Puts up the SaveAs dialog with the given prompt and default file name, and then
stores the chosen path for the saved file into the saveName variable. Returns 1 for OK
and 0 for Cancel.
void SaveAsGatan( ImageReference, String fileName
- Save the image to the fileName in Gatan 3.0 file format.
void SaveAsGIF( ImageReference, String fileName
- Save the image to the fileName in GIF file format. The DM Import/Export Plug-in must
be installed in order for this function to work.
void SaveAsPCX( ImageReference, String fileName
- Save the image to the fileName in PCX file format. The DM Import/Export Plug-in must
be installed in order for this function to work.
void SaveAsPICT( ImageReference, String fileName
- Save the image to the fileName in PICT file format. The DM Import/Export Plug-in must
be installed in order for this function to work.
void SaveAsRawData( ImageReference, String fileName
- Save the image to the fileName in raw file format.
void SaveAsSmallHeader( ImageReference, String
fileName )
- Save the image to the fileName in Gatan small header file format.
void SaveAsText( ImageReference, String fileName
- Save the image to the fileName in text file format.
void SaveAsTIFF( ImageReference, String fileName
- Save the image to the fileName in TIFF file format. The DM Import/Export Plug-in must
be installed in order for this function to work.
void SaveImage( ImageReference, String fileName
- Save the image to the fileName in it's current file format.
void SaveNotes( ImageReference, String tagPath,
String fileName )
- Saves the image notes indicated by tagPath into the given fileName. The tagPath must
refer to a group.
void SavePersistentNotes( String tagPath, String
fileName )
- Saves the persistent notes indicated by tagPath into the given fileName. The tagPath
must refer to a group.
void ScrapClear( ImageReference )
- Clear the pasted image (if there is one) from the image.
void ScrapCopy( ImageReference )
- Copy the selected portion of the image to the scrap.
void ScrapGetLocation( ImageReference, NumberVariable
top, NumberVariable left )
- Store the pasted image location (in image coordinates) into the top and left
void ScrapGetSize( ImageReference, NumberVariable
width, NumberVariable height )
- Store the pasted image size (in image coordinates) into the width and height
void ScrapMerge( ImageReference )
- Merge the pasted image (if there is one) with the image.
void ScrapPaste( ImageReference )
- Paste the scrap into the image.
void ScrapPasteNew( )
- Paste the scrap into a new image.
void ScrapSetLocation( ImageReference, Number top,
Number left )
- Set the location of the pasted image (if there is one) to [top,left].
void ScreenGetBounds( Number index, NumberVariable
t, NumberVariable l, NumberVariable b, NumberVariable
r )
- Gets the bounds of the 'index'th screen.
void ScreenGetWorkArea( Number index,
NumberVariable t, NumberVariable l, NumberVariable b,
NumberVariable r )
- Gets the bounds of the 'index'th screen.
void ScriptInterfaceGenerateStubs( String
interface_name, String str_h, String str_cp )
- Generates C++ stubs for the interface.
ScriptObject ScriptObjectNullify( ! )
String ScriptToUserCoordinates( ImageReference, Number
x, Number y )
- Return a string representing the script coordinates.
void ScriptWindowExecute( DocumentWindow window
- Executes the script in the script window.
void SelectAnnotation( ImageReference, Number
annotationID )
- Select the annotation indicated by the annotationID within the image.
void SelectImage( ImageReference )
- Bring the image's image document window to the front.
void SetAnnotationBackground( ImageReference, Number
annotationID, Number background )
- Set the background mode of the annotation indicated by the annotationID within the
image. Possible values for background are 1=black-on-white, 2=black, 3=white-on-black,
void SetAnnotationComplexNumberNote( ImageReference, Number
annotationID, String noteLabel, ComplexNumber noteValue
- Sets the value of the annotation note with label noteLabel to noteValue. If the note
does not exist, it is created.
void SetAnnotationFace( ImageReference, Number
annotationID, Number face )
- Set the type face of the annotation indicated by the annotationID within the image.
Values for the face can be found in InsideMacintosh Vol I.
void SetAnnotationFont( ImageReference, Number
annotationID, String fontName )
- Set the font of the annotation indicated by the annotationID within the image to
void SetAnnotationJustification( ImageReference, Number
annotationID, Number justification )
- Set the justification of the text annotation indicated by the annotationID within the
image. Possible values for justification are -1=left, 0=center, 1=right.
void SetAnnotationNumberNote( ImageReference, Number
annotationID, String noteLabel, Number noteValue )
- Sets the value of the annotation note with label noteLabel to noteValue. If the note
does not exist, it is created.
void SetAnnotationRect( ImageReference, Number
annotationID, Number top, Number left, Number
bottom, Number right )
- Set the bounds of the annotation indicated by the annotationID within the image to
[top, left, bottom, right].
void SetAnnotationRectNote( ImageReference, Number
annotationID, String noteLabel, Number top, Number
left, Number bottom, Number right )
- Sets the value of the annotation note with label noteLabel to the rectangle formed
from the top, left, bottom, and right parameters. If the note does not exist, it is
void SetAnnotationRGBNumberNote( ImageReference, Number
annotationID, String noteLabel, RGBNumber noteValue
- Sets the value of the annotation note with label noteLabel to noteValue. If the note
does not exist, it is created.
void SetAnnotationSize( ImageReference, Number
annotationID, Number size )
- Set the size of text of the annotation indicated by the annotationID within the image.
void SetAnnotationStringNote( ImageReference, Number
annotationID, String noteLabel, String noteValue )
- Sets the value of the annotation note with label noteLabel to noteValue. If the note
does not exist, it is created.
void SetApplicationFont( Number which_font, String
face_name, Number attributes, Number size, Number
text_encoding )
- Sets the selected appliction font to have the specified face name, attributes, size,
and text encoding.
void SetColorMode( ImageReference, Number mode
- Set the color mode of the image. The possible values for mode are 1=greyscale,
3=rainbow, 4=temperature.
void SetComplexMode( ImageReference, Number mode
- Set the complex-to-real mode of the image. The possible value for mode are 1=real,
2=imaginary, 3=modulus, 4=log of modulus, 5=phase.
void SetComplexNumberNote( ImageReference, String
noteLabel, ComplexNumber noteValue )
- Sets the value of the image note with label noteLabel to noteValue. If the note does
not exist, it is created.
void SetContrastMode( ImageReference, Number mode
- Set the constrast mode of the image. The possible value for mode are 1=linear,
2=equalized, 3=contoured, 4=custom.
void SetCustomCLUT( ImageReference, RGBImage
clutImage )
- Set the CLUT for the image to clutImage. clutImage must be a 256x1 RGB image.
void SetDisplayType( ImageReference, Number
displayType )
- Set the display type of the image. Possible displayType values are -1=best, 1=raster
image, 2=surface plot, 3=RGB, 4=line plot, 5=spreadsheet.
void SetDoCreateCustomIcon( ImageReference image,
Boolean doCreateCustomIcon )
- Open the image with the filename. Returns the opened image.
void SetDoSavePreview( ImageReference image,
Boolean doSavePreview )
- Sets whether to save a preview along with the saved file.
void SetEstimatedMinMax( ImageReference, Number min,
Number max )
- Set the estimated minimum and maximum of the image to min, max. This can be used if
survey is turned off.
void SetImage( ImageReference src,
RealImageVariable dst )
- Assigns src to dst by reference.
void SetImagePositionWithinWindow( ImageReference, Number
x, Number y )
- Set top-left position of the image to [x,y] within the image document.
void SetInversionMode( ImageReference, Boolean
inverted )
- Set the contrast of the image to be inverted or not inverted.
void SetKeywordNote( ImageReference, String keyword
- Adds the keyword to the image keyword list if it does not already exist.
void SetLimits( ImageReference, Number low, Number
high )
- Set the lowest and highest displayed pixel values for the image. Everything below low
will be the 'black' color and every above high will be the 'white' color. The black and
white colors may not actually be black and white if the color table is not greyscale.
void SetMinContrast( ImageReference, Number
minContrast )
- Set the minimum amount of contrast for the image to minContrast.
void SetName( ImageReference, String name )
- Sets the name of the image's image document to name.
void SetNoteState( ImageReference, String noteLabel,
Boolean hidden )
- Sets whether the given image note is in the copy-to-image list. The hidden parameter
is unused.
void SetNumberNote( ImageReference, String
noteLabel, Number noteValue )
- Sets the value of the image note with label noteLabel to noteValue. If the note does
not exist, it is created.
void SetOrigin( ImageReference, Number x, Number
y )
- Set the origin of the image coordinates to [x,y] which are in pixel units.
void SetPersistentComplexNumberNote( String
noteLabel, ComplexNumber noteValue )
- Sets the value of the persistent note with label noteLabel to noteValue. If the note
does not exist, it is created.
void SetPersistentKeywordNote( String keyword
- Adds the keyword to the persistent keyword list if it does not already exist.
void SetPersistentLongNote( String noteLabel,
Number noteValue )
- Sets the value of the persistent note with label noteLabel to noteValue. If the note
does not exist, it is created.
void SetPersistentNoteState( String noteLabel,
Boolean copyToImage, Boolean hidden )
- Sets whether the given persistent note is in the copy-to-image list. The hidden
parameter is unused.
void SetPersistentNumberNote( String noteLabel,
Number noteValue )
- Sets the value of the persistent note with label noteLabel to noteValue. If the note
does not exist, it is created.
void SetPersistentPointNote( String noteLabel,
Number x, Number y )
- Sets the value of the persistent note with label noteLabel to the point formed from
the x and y parameters. If the note does not exist, it is created.
void SetPersistentRectNote( String noteLabel,
Number top, Number left, Number bottom, Number
right )
- Sets the value of the persistent note with label noteLabel to the rectangle formed
from the top, left, bottom, and right parameters. If the note does not exist, it is
void SetPersistentRGBNumberNote( String noteLabel,
RGBNumber noteValue )
- Sets the value of the persistent note with label noteLabel to noteValue. If the note
does not exist, it is created.
void SetPersistentStringNote( String noteLabel,
String noteValue )
- Sets the value of the persistent note with label noteLabel to noteValue. If the note
does not exist, it is created.
void SetPixel( RGBImage, Number x, Number
y, RGBNumber value )
- Sets the pixel in the image at [x,y] to value.
void SetPixel( ComplexImage, Number x, Number
y, ComplexNumber value )
- Sets the pixel in the image at [x,y] to value. Does not work on packed complex images.
void SetPixel( RealImage, Number x, Number
y, Number value )
- Sets the pixel in the image at [x,y] to value.
void SetPointNote( ImageReference, String noteLabel,
Number x, Number y )
- Sets the value of the image note with label noteLabel to the point formed from the x
and y parameters. If the note does not exist, it is created.
void SetRawStreamPos( Number rawStream, Number
mode, Number offset )
- Set the current position in rawStream to offset using the mode.
void SetRectNote( ImageReference, String noteLabel,
Number top, Number left, Number bottom, Number
right )
- Sets the value of the image note with label noteLabel to the rectangle formed from
the top, left, bottom, and right parameters. If the note does not exist, it is created.
void SetRGBNumberNote( ImageReference, String
noteLabel, RGBNumber noteValue )
- Sets the value of the image note with label noteLabel to noteValue. If the note does
not exist, it is created.
void SetScale( ImageReference, Number x, Number
y )
- Set the scale of the image to [x,y].
void SetSelection( ImageReference, Number top,
Number left, Number bottom, Number right )
- Sets the selection of the image to [top,left,bottom,right].
void SetStringNote( ImageReference, String
noteLabel, String noteValue )
- Sets the value of the image note with label noteLabel to noteValue. If the note does
not exist, it is created.
void SetSurvey( ImageReference, Boolean surveyOnOff
- Turn surveying on or off for the image.
void SetSurveyTechnique( ImageReference, Number
mode )
- Set the survey technique for the image to mode. Mode can be 0=cross-wire, 1=whole
image, 2=sparse.
void SetUnitString( ImageReference, String
unitString )
- Set the units of the image to unitString.
void SetWindowBounds( ImageReference, Number top,
Number left, Number bottom, Number right )
- Set the image's image document window bounds to (left,top),(right,bottom).
void SetWindowPosition( ImageReference, Number xPos,
Number yPos )
- Set the image's image document window position to [xPos, yPos]. Only valid for images
that are already shown in a window.
void SetWindowSize( ImageReference, Number width,
Number height )
- Set the image's image document window size to [width, height].
void SetZoom( ImageReference, Number zoom )
- Set the zoom of the image display.
RealNumberExpression sgn( RealNumberExpression )
- Returns 1 if the number is equal to or greater than 0 otherwise returns -1.
void ShiftCenter( ImageReference image )
- Shifts each dimension of an image by half. For two dimensional images it will swap
Boolean ShiftDown( )
- Returns 1 if the shift key is down and 0 otherwise.
void ShowAlert( String prompt, Number
alertStyle )
- Puts up an alert with the given prompt and style.
void ShowImage( ImageReference )
- Display the image's image document in a window if it is not displayed already.
ComplexNumberExpression sin( ComplexNumberExpression )
- Return the sine of the number.
RealNumberExpression sin( RealNumberExpression )
- Return the sine of the number.
ComplexNumberExpression sinh( ComplexNumberExpression )
- Return the hyperbolic sine of the number.
RealNumberExpression sinh( RealNumberExpression )
- Return the hyberbolic sine of the number.
void Sleep( Number seconds )
- Puts the current thread to sleep for the given number of seconds (resolution may vary
by platform).
BasicImage slice1( BasicImage, Number x, Number
y, Number z, Number d0, Number l0, Number
s0 )
- Returns the subslice [(x,y,z),(d0,l0,s0)].
RGBImage slice1( RGBImage, Number x, Number
y, Number z, Number d0, Number l0, Number
s0 )
- Returns the subslice [(x,y,z),(d0,l0,s0)].
RealImage slice1( RealImage, Number x, Number
y, Number z, Number d0, Number l0, Number
s0 )
- Returns the subslice [(x,y,z),(d0,l0,s0)].
ComplexImage slice1( ComplexImage, Number x, Number
y, Number z, Number d0, Number l0, Number
s0 )
- Returns the subslice [(x,y,z),(d0,l0,s0)].
BasicImage slice2( BasicImage, Number x, Number
y, Number z, Number d0, Number l0, Number
s0, Number d1, Number l1, Number s1 )
- Returns the subslice [(x,y,z),(d0,l0,s0),(d1,l1,s1)].
RealImage slice2( RealImage, Number x, Number
y, Number z, Number d0, Number l0, Number
s0, Number d1, Number l1, Number s1 )
- Returns the subslice [(x,y,z),(d0,l0,s0),(d1,l1,s1)].
ComplexImage slice2( ComplexImage, Number x, Number
y, Number z, Number d0, Number l0, Number
s0, Number d1, Number l1, Number s1 )
- Returns the subslice [(x,y,z),(d0,l0,s0),(d1,l1,s1)].
RGBImage slice2( RGBImage, Number x, Number
y, Number z, Number d0, Number l0, Number
s0, Number d1, Number l1, Number s1 )
- Returns the subslice [(x,y,z),(d0,l0,s0),(d1,l1,s1)].
RGBImage slice3( RGBImage, Number x, Number
y, Number z, Number d0, Number l0, Number
s0, Number d1, Number l1, Number s1, Number
d2, Number l2, Number s2 )
- Returns the subslice [(x,y,z),(d0,l0,s0),(d1,l1,s1),(d2,l2,s2)].
BasicImage slice3( BasicImage, Number x, Number
y, Number z, Number d0, Number l0, Number
s0, Number d1, Number l1, Number s1, Number
d2, Number l2, Number s2 )
- Returns the subslice [(x,y,z),(d0,l0,s0),(d1,l1,s1),(d2,l2,s2)].
ComplexImage slice3( ComplexImage, Number x, Number
y, Number z, Number d0, Number l0, Number
s0, Number d1, Number l1, Number s1, Number
d2, Number l2, Number s2 )
- Returns the subslice [(x,y,z),(d0,l0,s0),(d1,l1,s1),(d2,l2,s2)].
RealImage slice3( RealImage, Number x, Number
y, Number z, Number d0, Number l0, Number
s0, Number d1, Number l1, Number s1, Number
d2, Number l2, Number s2 )
- Returns the subslice [(x,y,z),(d0,l0,s0),(d1,l1,s1),(d2,l2,s2)].
Boolean SpaceDown( )
- Returns 1 if the space key is down and 0 otherwise.
RealNumberExpression SphericalBesselJ( Number order,
Number )
- Return the spherical Bessel J function of the given order for a number.
RealNumberExpression SphericalBesselY( Number, Number )
- Return the spherical Bessel Y function of the given order for a number.
ComplexNumberExpression sqrt( ComplexNumberExpression )
- Return the square root of the number.
RealNumberExpression sqrt( RealNumberExpression )
- Return the square root of the number.
void StopAcquisitionDaemon( ImageReference )
- Stop all acquisition daemons associated with the image.
void StopAllAcquisitionDaemons( )
- Stop all acquisition daemons with any image within the application.
Number StreamGetPos( ScriptObject stream )
- Returns the current position within the file.
Number StreamGetSize( ScriptObject stream )
- Returns the size of the file.
String StreamReadAsText( ScriptObject stream,
Number encoding, Number count )
- Reads count bytes from a file, returning them as a string assuming they have the
specified encoding.
Boolean StreamReadTextLine( ScriptObject stream,
Number encoding, String str_out )
- Read a line of text from the stream, storing it into the string variable, assuming
the text has the specified encoding. Return 1 if successful and 0 otherwise.
void StreamSetPos( ScriptObject stream, Number
base, Number offset )
- Sets the current position within the file as an offset from 'base', where base == 0
denotes beginning of file, 1 denotes current position, and 2 denotes end of file.
void StreamSetSize( ScriptObject stream, Number
size )
- Sets the size of the file.
void StreamWriteAsText( ScriptObject stream, Number
encoding, String data )
- Write the string to the file with the specified encoding.
String StringNullify( ! )
- Assigns NULL to dst string.
ComplexNumber sum( ComplexImageExpression )
- Return the sum of all pixel values of the image expression.
Number sum( RealImageExpression )
- Return the sum of all pixel values of the image expression.
SurfacePlotImageDisplay SurfacePlotImageDisplayNullify( !
RealImage SVDecomposition( RealImage a, RealImage
b )
- Return the image resulting from a SV decomposition on images a,b.
RealImage SVDFit( RealImage a, RealImage
b, Number tolerance )
- Return the image resulting from a SVD fit on images a,b with the given tolerance.
void swap( RealImageExpression a,
RealImageExpression b )
- Swap images a and b, pixel by pixel.
void swap( ComplexImageExpression a,
ComplexImageExpression b )
- Swap images a and b, pixel by pixel.
void SwapByteOrder( ImageReference )
- Swaps the byte order for each long word in the image. ABCD become DCBA.
void SwapWordOrder( ImageReference )
- Swaps the byte order for each short word in the image. ABCD become BADC.
TagGroup TagGroupNullify( ! )
RealNumberExpression tan( RealNumberExpression )
- Return the tangent of the number.
ComplexNumberExpression tan( ComplexNumberExpression )
- Return the tangent of the number.
RealNumberExpression tanh( RealNumberExpression )
- Return the hyperbolic tangent of the number.
ComplexNumberExpression tanh( ComplexNumberExpression )
- Return the hyperbolic tangent of the number.
RealNumberExpression tert( RealNumberExpression
condition, RealNumberExpression truenumber, RealNumberExpression
falsenumber )
- Evaluates the condition expression and returns either the truenumber or falsenumber
expression depending on condition.
ComplexNumberExpression tert( RealNumberExpression
condition, ComplexNumberExpression truenumber,
ComplexNumberExpression falsenumber )
- Evaluates the condition expression and returns either the truenumber or falsenumber
expression depending on condition.
RGBNumberExpression tert( RealNumberExpression
condition, RGBNumberExpression truenumber, RGBNumberExpression
falsenumber )
- Evaluates the condition expression and returns either the truenumber or falsenumber
expression depending on condition.
void Test_AssignUniformRandom( ImageReference img
Number Test_IncCounter( Number period )
TagGroup Test_ReferenceCount_V1( ROI roi_out
TagGroup Test_ReferenceCount_V2( ROI roi_out
void Test_ResetCounter( )
Number TextAnnotationGetAlignment( Component comp
- Gets the alignment of the text in the text annotation.
void TextAnnotationGetFixedPoint( Component comp,
NumberVariable x, NumberVariable y )
- Gets the fixed point of the text annotation.
Number TextAnnotationGetResizeStyle( Component comp
- Gets the resize style of the text annotation.
String TextAnnotationGetText( Component comp
- Gets the text of a text annotation.
void TextAnnotationSetAlignment( Component comp,
Number alignment )
- Sets the alignment of the text in the text annotation.
void TextAnnotationSetFixedPoint( Component comp,
Number x, Number y )
- Sets the fixed point of the text annotation.
void TextAnnotationSetResizeStyle( Component comp,
Number style )
- Sets the resize style of the text annotation.
void TextAnnotationSetText( Component comp, String
text )
- Sets the text of a text annotation.
void Throw( Number exception )
- Throws an exception by number.
void Throw( String exception )
- Throws an exception by string.
Throwable ThrowableNullify( ! )
- Assigns NULL to dst throwable.
Number TickCount( )
- Return the MacOS system tick count.
RGBImageExpression TimeBar( String title,
RGBImageExpression expression )
- Displays a timebar with the given title during evaluation of the expression. Return
the expression directly.
ComplexImageExpression TimeBar( String title,
ComplexImageExpression expression )
- Displays a timebar with the given title during evaluation of the expression. Return
the expression directly.
RealImageExpression TimeBar( String title,
RealImageExpression expression )
- Displays a timebar with the given title during evaluation of the expression. Return
the expression directly.
void TransferTagsAndApplyDataBar( ImageReference )
- Transfer tags and apply data bar to the image.
void TransformPointFromImageToWindow( ImageReference
image, Number x_image, Number y_image, NumberVariable
x_window, NumberVariable y_window )
- Place in (x_window,y_window) the
RealNumberExpression Trunc( RealNumberExpression )
- Return the number truncated to an integer (rounding towards zero).
ImageReference TryToUse( String name, Number
width, Number height, Number dataType, Number
h, Number v, NumberVariable fresh )
- Look for an image with the given name, width, height, dataType, and position [h,v].
Return it if found and create it if not. Store 1 into fresh if it was created and 0 if
Boolean TwoButtonDialog( String prompt, String
acceptLabel, String rejectLabel )
- Puts up a dialog with the given prompt and two buttons labeled according to the
parameters. Returns 1 for the acceptLabel button and false for the other one.
Number unc( String, Number index )
- Returns the unicode value of the first character of the string.
RealNumberExpression UniformRandom( )
- Return a random number with uniform distribution between [0,1).
void UnregisterClass( String class_name )
void UnregisterCustomMenu( Number menuHandlerToken
- Unregister a custom menu. See the SDK documentation for more information.
void UnregisterObjectListener( Number object,
Number id )
- Remove object listener from OM object. See the SDK documentation for more information.
void UpdateDisplay( ImageReference, Number startRow,
Number endRow )
- Update the image display portion that displays the image rows from startRow to endRow.
void UpdateImage( ImageReference )
- Update the image immediately.
void UpdatePictureAnnotation( ImageReference, Number
annotationID, ! PicHandle )
- Update the picture annotation indicated by the annotationID within the image with the
new picHandle.
void UpdateTimeBarPercentage( Number percentage
- Updates an open time bar to the given percentage.
Number val( String )
- Returns the numeric value of a string.
Boolean ValidAnnotation( ImageReference, Number
annotationID )
- Return 1 if the annotationID is valid; returns 0 otherwise.
Number variance( ImageReference )
- Return the variance of the image.
ComplexImageExpression Warp( ComplexImage source,
RealImageExpression sourceX, RealImageExpression sourceY )
- Returns the bilinear interpolated value at the position [x,y] within the source image.
RealImageExpression Warp( RealImage source,
RealImageExpression x, RealImageExpression y )
- Returns the bilinear interpolated value at the position [x,y] within the source image.
RGBImageExpression Warp( RGBImage source,
RealImageExpression sourceX, RealImageExpression sourceY )
- Returns the bilinear interpolated value at the position [x,y] within the source image.
DocumentWindow WindowNullify( ! )
void WriteFile( Number file, Number
encoding, String data )
- Write the string to the file with the specified encoding.
void WriteFile( Number file, String data
- Write the string to the file.
void WriteRawStream( Number rawStream, Number
data, Number length )
- Write length bytes from the memory pointed to by data to rawStream.
Number XX_GetProcessKey( Number pid )
- Return a keystroke associated with the background process indicated by pid.
void XX_InstallImageProcess( ImageReference, Number
pid )
- Associate the process indicated by pid with the image. Keystrokes going to the image
will queue in the process after this call.
void Yield( )
- Yield to another background task.