Class RasterImageDisplay
void RasterImageDisplayAddThresholdToMask( RasterImageDisplay
rid, ImageReference mask, Number top, Number
left, Number bottom, Number right )
- Sets the points in mask to 1 if they lie within the threshold.
void RasterImageDisplayGetThresholdLimits( RasterImageDisplay
rid, NumberVariable low, NumberVariable high )
- Gets the threshold limits of the display.
Boolean RasterImageDisplayIsThresholdOn( RasterImageDisplay
rid )
- Determines whether the thresholding overlay is on or off.
void RasterImageDisplaySetThresholdLimits( RasterImageDisplay
rid, Number low, Number high )
- Sets the threshold limits of the display.
void RasterImageDisplaySetThresholdOn( RasterImageDisplay
rid, Boolean on )
- Sets whether the thresholding overlay is on or off.
Related Functions
RasterImageDisplay =( RasterImageDisplay dst, !
RasterImageDisplay =( RasterImageDisplay dst,
RasterImageDisplay rid )
RasterImageDisplay =( RasterImageDisplay dst,
ImageDisplay id )
ImageReference CreateMaskFromAnnotations( RasterImageDisplay
rid, Number filter_length, Boolean is_opaque,
NumberVariable has_mask )
RasterImageDisplay RasterImageDisplayNullify( ! )