Class RegionOfInterest


void ROIAddToMask( ROI roi, ImageReference mask, Number top, Number left, Number bottom, Number right )
Add the region of interest to the image within the bounds of the specified rectangle.
void ROIAddVertex( ROI roi, Number x, Number y )
Add a vertex with the given coordinates to the region of interest.
void ROIClearVertices( ROI roi )
Remove all vertices from the region of interest.
ROI ROIClone( ROI roi )
Returns a clone of the roi.
Boolean ROIContainsPoint( ROI roi, Number x, Number y )
Returns whether the region of interest encloses the given point.
Number ROICountVertices( ROI roi )
Return the number of vertices comprising the region of interest.
void ROIDeleteVertex( ROI roi, Number index )
Delete the given vertex from the region of interest.
void ROIGetColor( ROI roi, NumberVariable r, NumberVariable g, NumberVariable b )
Stores the color of the region of interest into the variables. Each number will be in the range of 0 to 1.
Boolean ROIGetDeletable( ROI roi )
Return whether the region of interest is deletable or not.
Number ROIGetID( ROI roi )
Return the ID for the region of interest.
String ROIGetLabel( ROI roi )
Return the label of the region of interest.
void ROIGetLine( ROI roi, NumberVariable sx, NumberVariable sy, NumberVariable ex, NumberVariable ey )
Fill in the start and end points of the line represented by the region of interest.
Boolean ROIGetMoveable( ROI roi )
Return whether the region of interest is moveable or not.
String ROIGetName( ROI roi )
Return the name of the region of interest.
void ROIGetPoint( ROI roi, NumberVariable x, NumberVariable y )
Return the coordinates of the point represented by this region of interest.
void ROIGetRange( ROI roi, NumberVariable start, NumberVariable end )
Fills in the start and end columns of the range represented by the region of interest.
void ROIGetRectangle( ROI roi, NumberVariable top, NumberVariable left, NumberVariable bottom, NumberVariable right )
Fill in the coordinates of the rectangle represented by the region of interest.
Boolean ROIGetResizable( ROI roi )
Return whether the region of interest is resizable or not.
void ROIGetVertex( ROI roi, Number index, NumberVariable x, NumberVariable y )
Return the coordinates of the given vertex of the region of interest.
Boolean ROIGetVolatile( ROI roi )
Return whether the region of interest is volatile or not.
void ROIInsertVertex( ROI roi, Number before, Number x, Number y )
Insert a vertex with the given coordinates before the indicated vertex of the region of interest.
Boolean ROIIsClosed( ROI roi )
Returns whether the region of interest is a closed loop or not.
Boolean ROIIsLine( ROI roi )
Return whether the region of interest is a line.
Boolean ROIIsPoint( ROI roi )
Return whether the region of interest is a point.
Boolean ROIIsRange( ROI roi )
Returns whether the region of interest is a range.
Boolean ROIIsRectangle( ROI roi )
Return whether the region of interest is a rectangle.
Boolean ROIIsValid( ROI roi )
Returns 'true' if the region of interest is a valid object.
void ROISetColor( ROI roi, Number r, Number g, Number b )
Set the color of the region of interest. Each number should be in the range of 0 to 1.
void ROISetDeletable( ROI roi, Boolean deletable )
Sets whether the region of interest should be deletable or not.
void ROISetIsClosed( ROI roi, Boolean is_closed )
Sets whether the region of interest is a closed loop or not (that is the last vertex connects to the first).
void ROISetLabel( ROI roi, String name )
Set the label on the region of interest.
void ROISetLine( ROI roi, Number sx, Number sy, Number ex, Number ey )
Set the region of interest to a line with the given start and end coordinates.
void ROISetMoveable( ROI roi, Boolean moveable )
Sets whether the region of interest should be moveable or not.
void ROISetName( ROI roi, String name )
Set the name of the region of interest.
void ROISetPoint( ROI roi, Number x, Number y )
Set the region of interest to a point with the given coordinate.
void ROISetRange( ROI roi, Number start, Number end )
Sets the region of interest to a range with the given start and end columns.
void ROISetRectangle( ROI roi, Number top, Number left, Number bottom, Number right )
Set the region of interest to a rectangle with the given coordinates.
void ROISetRegionToValue( ROI roi, ComplexImage mask, ComplexNumber value, Number top, Number left, Number bottom, Number right )
Sets the area in 'mask' corresponding to the region to the value 'value'.
void ROISetRegionToValue( ROI roi, RGBImage mask, RGBNumber value, Number top, Number left, Number bottom, Number right )
Sets the area in 'mask' corresponding to the region to the value 'value'.
void ROISetRegionToValue( ROI roi, ImageReference mask, Number value, Number top, Number left, Number bottom, Number right )
Sets the area in 'mask' corresponding to the region to the value 'value'.
void ROISetResizable( ROI roi, Boolean resizable )
Sets whether the region of interest should be resizable or not.
void ROISetVertex( ROI roi, Number index, Number x, Number y )
Set the coordinates of the given vertex of the region of interest.
void ROISetVolatile( ROI roi, Boolean is_volatile )
Set whether the region of interest is volatile or not.

Related Functions

ROI =( ROI, ! )
Assign a region of interest to a new variable.
Assign a region of interest to a new variable.
ROI CreateROI( )
Creates an empty region of interest.
ROI GetROIFromID( Number id )
Returns the region of interest associated with the ID or NULL if it does not exist.
ROI ImageDisplayGetROI( ImageDisplay imgDisp, Number index )
Returns the given ROI on this image display.
ROI ImageDisplayLookupROI( ImageDisplay imgDisp, String name )
Returns the given ROI on this image display.
ROI ImageDisplayLookupROIByID( ImageDisplay imgDisp, Number id )
Returns the ROI with the given id on this image display.
Creates an empty region of interest.
ROI ROINullify( ! )