Class TagGroup
TagGroup TagGroupAddLabeledTagGroup( TagGroup
tagGroup, String label, TagGroup newGroup )
- Adds 'newGroup' to 'tagGroup' at the label 'label'.
TagGroup TagGroupAddTagGroupAfter( TagGroup tagList,
Number ref_index, TagGroup newGroup )
- Adds 'newGroup' to 'tagList' after index 'ref_index'.
TagGroup TagGroupAddTagGroupAtBeginning( TagGroup
tagList, TagGroup newGroup )
- Adds 'newGroup' to the beginning of 'tagList'.
TagGroup TagGroupAddTagGroupAtEnd( TagGroup tagList,
TagGroup newGroup )
- Adds 'newGroup' to the end of 'tagList'.
TagGroup TagGroupAddTagGroupBefore( TagGroup
tagList, Number ref_index, TagGroup newGroup )
- Adds 'newGroup' to 'tagList' before index 'ref_index'.
TagGroup TagGroupClone( TagGroup tagGroup )
- Returns an identical copy of 'tagGroup' and its sub-tags.
Number TagGroupCopyTag( TagGroup tagGroup, TagGroup
srcGroup, Number srcIndex )
- Copies the 'srcIndex'th tag in 'srcGroup' to 'tagGroup'.
void TagGroupCopyTagsFrom( TagGroup tagGroup,
TagGroup srcGroup )
- Copies tags in 'srcGroup' to 'tagGroup'.
void TagGroupCopyTagToIndex( TagGroup tagGroup,
Number dstIndex, TagGroup srcGroup, Number srcIndex
- Copies data in the 'srcIndex'th tag in 'srcGroup' to the 'dstIndex'th tag in
Number TagGroupCountTags( TagGroup tagGroup )
- Returns the number of sub-tags in this tag group.
TagGroup TagGroupCreateGroupTagAfter( TagGroup
tagList, Number ref_index )
- Creates a new tag group after 'ref_index' in 'tagList'.
TagGroup TagGroupCreateGroupTagAtBeginning( TagGroup
tagList )
- Creates a new tag group at the beginning of 'tagList'.
TagGroup TagGroupCreateGroupTagAtEnd( TagGroup
tagList )
- Creates a new tag group at the end of 'tagList'.
TagGroup TagGroupCreateGroupTagBefore( TagGroup
tagList, Number ref_index )
- Creates a new tag group before 'ref_index' in 'tagList'.
TagGroup TagGroupCreateListTagAfter( TagGroup
tagList, Number ref_index )
- Creates a new tag group after 'ref_index' in 'tagList'.
TagGroup TagGroupCreateListTagAtBeginning( TagGroup
tagList )
- Creates a new tag group at the beginning of 'tagList'.
TagGroup TagGroupCreateListTagAtEnd( TagGroup
tagList )
- Creates a new tag group at the end of 'tagList'.
TagGroup TagGroupCreateListTagBefore( TagGroup
tagList, Number ref_index )
- Creates a new tag group before 'ref_index' in 'tagList'.
TagGroup TagGroupCreateNewLabeledGroup( TagGroup
tagGroup, String label )
- Adds a new tag group at label 'label' and returns the new group.
TagGroup TagGroupCreateNewLabeledList( TagGroup
tagGroup, String label )
- Adds a new tag list at label 'label' and returns the new group.
Number TagGroupCreateNewLabeledTag( TagGroup
tagGroup, String label )
- Creates a new labeled tag and returns its index.
Number TagGroupCreateNewTagAfter( TagGroup tagList,
Number ref_index )
- Creates a new tag after 'ref_index' in 'tagList'.
Number TagGroupCreateNewTagAtBeginning( TagGroup
tagList )
- Creates a new tag at the beginning of 'tagList'.
Number TagGroupCreateNewTagAtEnd( TagGroup tagList
- Creates a new tag at the end of 'tagList'.
Number TagGroupCreateNewTagBefore( TagGroup tagList,
Number ref_index )
- Creates a new tag before 'ref_index' in 'tagList'.
void TagGroupDeleteAllTags( TagGroup tagGroup
- Deletes all the tags in 'tagGroup'.
void TagGroupDeleteTagWithIndex( TagGroup taGroup,
Number index )
- Deletes the tag at index 'index'.
void TagGroupDeleteTagWithLabel( TagGroup tagGroup,
String tagPath )
- Deletes the tag labelled by the path 'tagPath'.
Boolean TagGroupDoesTagExist( TagGroup tagGroup,
String tagPath )
- Finds the tag group and index corresponding to the tag referenced by 'tagPath' in
void TagGroupExecuteScriptGroup( TagGroup tagGroup,
String form )
- Execute a group of script functions in 'tagGroup'. The actual scripts executed will
be formed by sprintf'ing into the 'form' parameter. The form parameter should contain
exactly one '%s' into which the function name will be inserted.
Boolean TagGroupGetIndexedTagAsArray( TagGroup
tagGroup, Number index, ImageReference image )
- Gets the data at 'index' in 'tagGroup' as an array of data in 'image'.
Boolean TagGroupGetIndexedTagAsBoolean( TagGroup
tagGroup, Number index, NumberVariable val )
- Gets the data at 'index' in 'tagGroup' as a boolean.
Boolean TagGroupGetIndexedTagAsDouble( TagGroup
tagGroup, Number index, NumberVariable number )
- Gets the data at 'index' in 'tagGroup' as a double.
Boolean TagGroupGetIndexedTagAsDoubleComplex( TagGroup
tagGroup, Number index, ComplexNumberVariable c )
- Gets the data at 'index' in 'tagGroup' as a double complex.
Boolean TagGroupGetIndexedTagAsEightBitColor( TagGroup
tagGroup, Number index, RGBNumberVariable c )
- Gets the data at 'index' in 'tagGroup' as an eight bit color.
Boolean TagGroupGetIndexedTagAsFloat( TagGroup
tagGroup, Number index, NumberVariable number )
- Gets the data at 'index' in 'tagGroup' as a float.
Boolean TagGroupGetIndexedTagAsFloatComplex( TagGroup
tagGroup, Number index, ComplexNumberVariable c )
- Gets the data at 'index' in 'tagGroup' as a float complex.
Boolean TagGroupGetIndexedTagAsFloatPoint( TagGroup
tagGroup, Number index, NumberVariable x, NumberVariable
y )
- Gets the data at 'index' in 'tagGroup' as a float point.
Boolean TagGroupGetIndexedTagAsFloatRect( TagGroup
tagGroup, Number index, NumberVariable t, NumberVariable
l, NumberVariable b, NumberVariable r )
- Gets the data at 'index' in 'tagGroup' as a float rect.
Boolean TagGroupGetIndexedTagAsLong( TagGroup
tagGroup, Number index, NumberVariable number )
- Gets the data at 'index' in 'tagGroup' as a long.
Boolean TagGroupGetIndexedTagAsLongPoint( TagGroup
tagGroup, Number index, NumberVariable x, NumberVariable
y )
- Gets the data at 'index' in 'tagGroup' as a long point.
Boolean TagGroupGetIndexedTagAsLongRect( TagGroup
tagGroup, Number index, NumberVariable t, NumberVariable
l, NumberVariable b, NumberVariable r )
- Gets the data at 'index' in 'tagGroup' as a long rect.
Boolean TagGroupGetIndexedTagAsNumber( TagGroup
tagGroup, Number index, NumberVariable number )
- Gets the data at 'index' in 'tagGroup' as a real number.
Boolean TagGroupGetIndexedTagAsNumber( TagGroup
tagGroup, Number index, ComplexNumberVariable number
- Gets the data at 'index' in 'tagGroup' as a complex number.
Boolean TagGroupGetIndexedTagAsNumber( TagGroup
tagGroup, Number index, RGBNumberVariable number )
- Gets the data at 'index' in 'tagGroup' as a RGB number.
Boolean TagGroupGetIndexedTagAsShort( TagGroup
tagGroup, Number index, NumberVariable number )
- Gets the data at 'index' in 'tagGroup' as a short.
Boolean TagGroupGetIndexedTagAsShortPoint( TagGroup
tagGroup, Number index, NumberVariable x, NumberVariable
y )
- Gets the data at 'index' in 'tagGroup' as a short point.
Boolean TagGroupGetIndexedTagAsShortRect( TagGroup
tagGroup, Number index, NumberVariable t, NumberVariable
l, NumberVariable b, NumberVariable r )
- Gets the data at 'index' in 'tagGroup' as a short rect.
Boolean TagGroupGetIndexedTagAsString( TagGroup
tagGroup, Number index, String str )
- Gets the data at 'index' in 'tagGroup' as a string.
Boolean TagGroupGetIndexedTagAsTagGroup( TagGroup
tagGroup, Number index, TagGroup subGroup )
- Gets the data at 'index' in 'TagGroup' as a group.
Boolean TagGroupGetIndexedTagAsText( TagGroup
tagGroup, Number index, String str )
- Gets the data at 'index' in 'tagGroup' as a string.
Boolean TagGroupGetIndexedTagAsUInt16( TagGroup
tagGroup, Number index, NumberVariable number )
- Gets the data at 'index' in 'tagGroup' as a 16-bit unsigned integer.
Boolean TagGroupGetIndexedTagAsUInt32( TagGroup
tagGroup, Number index, NumberVariable number )
- Gets the data at 'index' in 'tagGroup' as a 32-bit unsigned integer.
TagGroup TagGroupGetOrCreateTagGroup( TagGroup
tagGroup, String tagPath )
- Gets the tag group named by 'tagPath', or creates a new such group and all necessary
intermediate groups.
TagGroup TagGroupGetOrCreateTagList( TagGroup
tagGroup, String tagPath )
- Gets the tag list named by 'tagPath', or creates a new such list and all necessary
intermediate groups.
Number TagGroupGetSeeds( TagGroup tagGroup )
- Gets a set of seeds that describe the tag group.
Boolean TagGroupGetTagAsArray( TagGroup tagGroup,
String tagPath, ImageReference image )
- Gets the data at 'tagPath' in 'tagGroup' as an array of data in 'image'.
Boolean TagGroupGetTagAsBoolean( TagGroup tagGroup,
String tagPath, NumberVariable val )
- Gets the data at 'tagPath' in 'tagGroup' as a boolean.
Boolean TagGroupGetTagAsDouble( TagGroup tagGroup,
String tagPath, NumberVariable number )
- Gets the data at 'tagPath' in 'tagGroup' as a double.
Boolean TagGroupGetTagAsDoubleComplex( TagGroup
tagGroup, String tagPath, ComplexNumberVariable c
- Gets the data at 'tagPath' in 'tagGroup' as a double complex.
Boolean TagGroupGetTagAsEightBitColor( TagGroup
tagGroup, String tagPath, RGBNumberVariable c )
- Gets the data at 'tagPath' in 'tagGroup' as an eight bit color.
Boolean TagGroupGetTagAsFloat( TagGroup tagGroup,
String tagPath, NumberVariable number )
- Gets the data at 'tagPath' in 'tagGroup' as a float.
Boolean TagGroupGetTagAsFloatComplex( TagGroup
tagGroup, String tagPath, ComplexNumberVariable c
- Gets the data at 'tagPath' in 'tagGroup' as a float complex.
Boolean TagGroupGetTagAsFloatPoint( TagGroup
tagGroup, String tagPath, NumberVariable x,
NumberVariable y )
- Gets the data at 'tagPath' in 'tagGroup' as a short point.
Boolean TagGroupGetTagAsFloatRect( TagGroup
tagGroup, String tagPath, NumberVariable t,
NumberVariable l, NumberVariable b, NumberVariable r
- Gets the data at 'tagPath' in 'tagGroup' as a short rect.
Boolean TagGroupGetTagAsLong( TagGroup tagGroup,
String tagPath, NumberVariable number )
- Gets the data at 'tagPath' in 'tagGroup' as a long.
Boolean TagGroupGetTagAsLongPoint( TagGroup
tagGroup, String tagPath, NumberVariable x,
NumberVariable y )
- Gets the data at 'tagPath' in 'tagGroup' as a long point.
Boolean TagGroupGetTagAsLongRect( TagGroup tagGroup,
String tagPath, NumberVariable t, NumberVariable l,
NumberVariable b, NumberVariable r )
- Gets the data at 'tagPath' in 'tagGroup' as a long rect.
Boolean TagGroupGetTagAsNumber( TagGroup tagGroup,
String tagPath, ComplexNumberVariable number )
- Gets the data at 'tagPath' in 'tagGroup' as a complex number.
Boolean TagGroupGetTagAsNumber( TagGroup tagGroup,
String tagPath, NumberVariable number )
- Gets the data at 'tagPath' in 'tagGroup' as a real number.
Boolean TagGroupGetTagAsNumber( TagGroup tagGroup,
String tagPath, RGBNumberVariable number )
- Gets the data at 'tagPath' in 'tagGroup' as a rgb number.
Boolean TagGroupGetTagAsRGBUInt16( TagGroup
tagGroup, Number index, NumberVariable r, NumberVariable
g, NumberVariable b )
- Gets the data at 'index' in 'tagGroup' as a 16-bit rgb value.
Boolean TagGroupGetTagAsRGBUInt16( TagGroup
tagGroup, String tagPath, NumberVariable r,
NumberVariable g, NumberVariable b )
- Gets the data at 'tagPath' in 'tagGroup' as a 16-bit rgb value.
Boolean TagGroupGetTagAsShort( TagGroup tagGroup,
String tagPath, NumberVariable number )
- Gets the data at 'tagPath' in 'tagGroup' as a short.
Boolean TagGroupGetTagAsShortPoint( TagGroup
tagGroup, String tagPath, NumberVariable x,
NumberVariable y )
- Gets the data at 'tagPath' in 'tagGroup' as a short point.
Boolean TagGroupGetTagAsShortRect( TagGroup
tagGroup, String tagPath, NumberVariable t,
NumberVariable l, NumberVariable b, NumberVariable r
- Gets the data at 'tagPath' in 'tagGroup' as a short rect.
Boolean TagGroupGetTagAsString( TagGroup tagGroup,
String tagPath, String str )
- Gets the data at 'tagPath' in 'tagGroup' as a string.
Boolean TagGroupGetTagAsTagGroup( TagGroup tagGroup,
String tagPath, TagGroup subGroup )
- Gets the data at 'tagPath' in 'TagGroup' as a group.
Boolean TagGroupGetTagAsText( TagGroup tagGroup,
String tagPath, String str )
- Gets the data at 'tagPath' in 'tagGroup' as a string.
Boolean TagGroupGetTagAsUInt16( TagGroup tagGroup,
String tagPath, NumberVariable number )
- Gets the data at 'tagPath' in 'tagGroup' as a 16-bit unsigned integer.
Boolean TagGroupGetTagAsUInt32( TagGroup tagGroup,
String tagPath, NumberVariable number )
- Gets the data at 'tagPath' in 'tagGroup' as a 32-bit unsigned integer.
String TagGroupGetTagLabel( TagGroup tagGroup,
Number index )
- Gets the label of the 'index'th tag in the tag group.
Number TagGroupGetTagSize( TagGroup tagGroup,
Number index )
- Gets the size of the tag.
Number TagGroupGetTagType( TagGroup tagGroup,
Number index, Number type_index )
- Returns the 'type_index'th element of the tag's type.
Number TagGroupGetTagTypeLength( TagGroup tagGroup,
Number index )
- Returns number of elements in the tag's type.
Boolean TagGroupHasChangedSince( TagGroup tagGroup,
Number seeds )
- Returns true if the tag group has changed since 'seeds' was constructed.
void TagGroupInsertTagAsArray( TagGroup tagGroup,
Number ref_index, ImageReference image )
- Inserts new data before 'ref_index' in 'tagGroup' as an array of data in 'image'.
void TagGroupInsertTagAsBoolean( TagGroup tagGroup,
Number ref_index, Boolean val )
- Inserts new data before 'ref_index' in 'tagGroup' as a boolean.
void TagGroupInsertTagAsDouble( TagGroup tagGroup,
Number ref_index, Number number )
- Inserts new data before 'ref_index' in 'tagGroup' as a double.
void TagGroupInsertTagAsDoubleComplex( TagGroup
tagGroup, Number ref_index, ComplexNumber c )
- Inserts new data before 'ref_index' in 'tagGroup' as a double complex.
void TagGroupInsertTagAsEightBitColor( TagGroup
tagGroup, Number ref_index, RGBNumber c )
- Inserts new data before 'ref_index' in 'tagGroup' as an eight bit color.
void TagGroupInsertTagAsFloat( TagGroup tagGroup,
Number ref_index, Number number )
- Inserts new data before 'ref_index' in 'tagGroup' as a float.
void TagGroupInsertTagAsFloatComplex( TagGroup
tagGroup, Number ref_index, ComplexNumber c )
- Inserts new data before 'ref_index' in 'tagGroup' as a float complex.
void TagGroupInsertTagAsFloatPoint( TagGroup
tagGroup, Number ref_index, Number x, Number
y )
- Inserts new data before 'ref_index' in 'tagGroup' as a float point.
void TagGroupInsertTagAsFloatRect( TagGroup
tagGroup, Number ref_index, Number t, Number
l, Number b, Number r )
- Inserts new data before 'ref_index' in 'tagGroup' as a float rect.
void TagGroupInsertTagAsLong( TagGroup tagGroup,
Number ref_index, Number number )
- Inserts new data before 'ref_index' in 'tagGroup' as a long.
void TagGroupInsertTagAsLongPoint( TagGroup
tagGroup, Number ref_index, Number x, Number
y )
- Inserts new data before 'ref_index' in 'tagGroup' as a long point.
void TagGroupInsertTagAsLongRect( TagGroup tagGroup,
Number ref_index, Number t, Number l, Number
b, Number r )
- Inserts new data before 'ref_index' in 'tagGroup' as a long rect.
void TagGroupInsertTagAsNumber( TagGroup tagGroup,
Number ref_index, RGBNumber number )
- Inserts new data before 'ref_index' in 'tagGroup' as a RGB number.
void TagGroupInsertTagAsNumber( TagGroup tagGroup,
Number ref_index, ComplexNumber number )
- Inserts new data before 'ref_index' in 'tagGroup' as a complex number.
void TagGroupInsertTagAsNumber( TagGroup tagGroup,
Number ref_index, Number number )
- Inserts new data before 'ref_index' in 'tagGroup' as a real number.
void TagGroupInsertTagAsRGBUInt16( TagGroup
tagGroup, Number ref_index, Number r, Number
g, Number b )
- Inserts new data before 'ref_index' in 'tagGroup' as a 16-bit rgb value.
void TagGroupInsertTagAsShort( TagGroup tagGroup,
Number ref_index, Number number )
- Inserts new data before 'ref_index' in 'tagGroup' as a short.
void TagGroupInsertTagAsShortPoint( TagGroup
tagGroup, Number ref_index, Number x, Number
y )
- Inserts new data before 'ref_index' in 'tagGroup' as a short point.
void TagGroupInsertTagAsShortRect( TagGroup
tagGroup, Number ref_index, Number t, Number
l, Number b, Number r )
- Inserts new data before 'ref_index' in 'tagGroup' as a short rect.
void TagGroupInsertTagAsString( TagGroup tagGroup,
Number ref_index, String s )
- Inserts new data before 'ref_index' in 'tagGroup' as a string.
void TagGroupInsertTagAsTagGroup( TagGroup tagGroup,
Number ref_index, TagGroup subGroup )
- Inserts new data before 'ref_index' in 'TagGroup' as a group.
void TagGroupInsertTagAsText( TagGroup tagGroup,
Number ref_index, String s )
- Inserts new data before 'ref_index' in 'tagGroup' as a string.
void TagGroupInsertTagAsUInt16( TagGroup tagGroup,
Number ref_index, Number number )
- Inserts new data before 'ref_index' in 'tagGroup' as a 16-bit unsigned integer.
void TagGroupInsertTagAsUInt32( TagGroup tagGroup,
Number ref_index, Number number )
- Inserts new data before 'ref_index' in 'tagGroup' as a 32-bit unsigned integer.
Boolean TagGroupIsList( TagGroup tagGroup )
- Returns true if the tag group is a list.
Boolean TagGroupIsOpen( TagGroup tagGroup )
- Returns whether 'tagGroup' is open or not.
Boolean TagGroupIsValid( TagGroup tagGroup )
- Returns true if 'tagGroup' references a valid object.
Boolean TagGroupLoadFromFile( TagGroup tagGroup,
String path )
- Loads the contents of the file specified by 'path' into the tag group.
Boolean TagGroupLoadFromFileWithLabel( TagGroup
tagGroup, String path, String label )
- Loads the contents of the file specified by 'path' into the tag group and returns the
label, if any.
Boolean TagGroupLoadFromStream( TagGroup tagGroup,
ScriptObject stream )
- Loads the contents of the stream specified by 'stream' into the tag group.
Boolean TagGroupLoadFromStreamWithLabel( TagGroup
tagGroup, ScriptObject stream, String label )
- Loads the contents of the stream specified by 'stream' into the tag group and returns
the label, if any.
void TagGroupMarkAsChanged( TagGroup tagGroup
- Marks 'tagGroup' as having beein modified.
DocumentWindow TagGroupOpenBrowserWindow( TagGroup
tagGroup, Boolean isFileBased )
- Opens a browser window for the tag group.
Number TagGroupParseAndCreateTagPath( TagGroup
tagGroup, String tagPath, TagGroup parentGroup, String
label )
- Finds the tag group and index corresponding to the tag referenced by 'tagPath' in
Number TagGroupParseTagPath( TagGroup tagGroup,
String tagPath, TagGroup parentGroup, String label
- Finds the tag group and index corresponding to the tag referenced by 'tagPath' in
void TagGroupReadIndexedTagDataFromStream( TagGroup
tagGroup, Number index, ScriptObject stream, Number
stream_endianness )
- Reads data from the stream into the indicated tag. The tag type determines how the
data is read, and 'stream_endianness' specifies the endianness of the stream, 1 ==
bigendian, 2 == littleendian.
void TagGroupReadTagDataFromStream( TagGroup
tagGroup, String tag_path, ScriptObject stream, Number
stream_endianness )
- Reads data from the stream into the indicated tag. The tag type determines how the
data is read, and 'stream_endianness' specifies the endianness of the stream, 1 ==
bigendian, 2 == littleendian.
void TagGroupReleaseSeeds( TagGroup tagGroup,
Number seeds )
- Releases the seeds returned by 'TagGroupGetSeeds'.
void TagGroupReplaceTagsWithCopy( TagGroup tagGroup,
TagGroup srcGroup )
- Deletes all tags in 'tagGroup' and copies tags in 'srcGroup' to 'tagGroup'.
void TagGroupSaveToFile( TagGroup tagGroup, String
path )
- Saves the contents of the tag group to the file specified by 'path'.
void TagGroupSaveToFileWithLabel( TagGroup tagGroup,
String path, String label )
- Saves the contents of the tag group and the label 'label' to the file specified by
void TagGroupSaveToStream( TagGroup tagGroup,
ScriptObject stream )
- Saves the contents of the tag group to the stream specified by 'stream'.
void TagGroupSaveToStreamWithLabel( TagGroup
tagGroup, ScriptObject stream, String label )
- Saves the contents of the tag group and the label 'label' to the stream specified by
void TagGroupSetIndexedTagAsArray( TagGroup
tagGroup, Number index, ImageReference image )
- Set the data at 'index' in 'tagGroup' as an array of data in 'image'.
void TagGroupSetIndexedTagAsBoolean( TagGroup
tagGroup, Number index, Boolean val )
- Sets the data at 'index' in 'tagGroup' as a boolean.
void TagGroupSetIndexedTagAsDouble( TagGroup
tagGroup, Number index, Number number )
- Sets the data at 'index' in 'tagGroup' as a double.
void TagGroupSetIndexedTagAsDoubleComplex( TagGroup
tagGroup, Number index, ComplexNumber c )
- Sets the data at 'index' in 'tagGroup' as a double complex.
void TagGroupSetIndexedTagAsEightBitColor( TagGroup
tagGroup, Number index, RGBNumber c )
- Sets the data at 'index' in 'tagGroup' as an eight bit color.
void TagGroupSetIndexedTagAsFloat( TagGroup
tagGroup, Number index, Number number )
- Sets the data at 'index' in 'tagGroup' as a float.
void TagGroupSetIndexedTagAsFloatComplex( TagGroup
tagGroup, Number index, ComplexNumber c )
- Sets the data at 'index' in 'tagGroup' as a float complex.
void TagGroupSetIndexedTagAsFloatPoint( TagGroup
tagGroup, Number index, Number x, Number y
- Sets the data at 'index' in 'tagGroup' as a float point.
void TagGroupSetIndexedTagAsFloatRect( TagGroup
tagGroup, Number index, Number t, Number l,
Number b, Number r )
- Sets the data at 'index' in 'tagGroup' as a float rect.
void TagGroupSetIndexedTagAsLong( TagGroup tagGroup,
Number index, Number number )
- Sets the data at 'index' in 'tagGroup' as a long.
void TagGroupSetIndexedTagAsLongPoint( TagGroup
tagGroup, Number index, Number x, Number y
- Sets the data at 'index' in 'tagGroup' as a long point.
void TagGroupSetIndexedTagAsLongRect( TagGroup
tagGroup, Number index, Number t, Number l,
Number b, Number r )
- Sets the data at 'index' in 'tagGroup' as a long rect.
void TagGroupSetIndexedTagAsNumber( TagGroup
tagGroup, Number index, RGBNumber number )
- Sets the data at 'index' in 'tagGroup' as a RGB number.
void TagGroupSetIndexedTagAsNumber( TagGroup
tagGroup, Number index, ComplexNumber number )
- Sets the data at 'index' in 'tagGroup' as a complex number.
void TagGroupSetIndexedTagAsNumber( TagGroup
tagGroup, Number index, Number number )
- Sets the data at 'index' in 'tagGroup' as a real number.
void TagGroupSetIndexedTagAsRGBUInt16( TagGroup
tagGroup, Number index, Number r, Number g,
Number b )
- Sets the data at 'index' in 'tagGroup' as a 16-bit rgb value.
void TagGroupSetIndexedTagAsShort( TagGroup
tagGroup, Number index, Number number )
- Sets the data at 'index' in 'tagGroup' as a short.
void TagGroupSetIndexedTagAsShortPoint( TagGroup
tagGroup, Number index, Number x, Number y
- Sets the data at 'index' in 'tagGroup' as a short point.
void TagGroupSetIndexedTagAsShortRect( TagGroup
tagGroup, Number index, Number t, Number l,
Number b, Number r )
- Sets the data at 'index' in 'tagGroup' as a short rect.
void TagGroupSetIndexedTagAsString( TagGroup
tagGroup, Number index, String s )
- Sets the data at 'index' in 'tagGroup' as a string.
void TagGroupSetIndexedTagAsTagGroup( TagGroup
tagGroup, Number index, TagGroup subGroup )
- Sets the data at 'index' in 'TagGroup' as a group.
void TagGroupSetIndexedTagAsText( TagGroup tagGroup,
Number index, String s )
- Sets the data at 'index' in 'tagGroup' as a string.
void TagGroupSetIndexedTagAsUInt16( TagGroup
tagGroup, Number index, Number number )
- Sets the data at 'index' in 'tagGroup' as a 16-bit unsigned integer.
void TagGroupSetIndexedTagAsUInt32( TagGroup
tagGroup, Number index, Number number )
- Sets the data at 'index' in 'tagGroup' as a 32-bit unsigned integer.
void TagGroupSetIsOpen( TagGroup tagGroup, Boolean
is_open )
- Sets whether 'tagGroup' is open or not.
void TagGroupSetTagAsArray( TagGroup tagGroup,
String tagPath, ImageReference image )
- Set the data at 'tagPath' in 'tagGroup' as an array of data in 'image'.
void TagGroupSetTagAsBoolean( TagGroup tagGroup,
String tagPath, Boolean val )
- Sets the data at 'tagPath' in 'tagGroup' as a boolean.
void TagGroupSetTagAsDouble( TagGroup tagGroup,
String tagPath, Number number )
- Sets the data at 'tagPath' in 'tagGroup' as a double.
void TagGroupSetTagAsDoubleComplex( TagGroup
tagGroup, String tagPath, ComplexNumber c )
- Sets the data at 'tagPath' in 'tagGroup' as a double complex.
void TagGroupSetTagAsEightBitColor( TagGroup
tagGroup, String tagPath, RGBNumber c )
- Sets the data at 'tagPath' in 'tagGroup' as an eight bit color.
void TagGroupSetTagAsFloat( TagGroup tagGroup,
String tagPath, Number number )
- Sets the data at 'tagPath' in 'tagGroup' as a float.
void TagGroupSetTagAsFloatComplex( TagGroup
tagGroup, String tagPath, ComplexNumber c )
- Sets the data at 'tagPath' in 'tagGroup' as a float complex.
void TagGroupSetTagAsFloatPoint( TagGroup tagGroup,
String tagPath, Number x, Number y )
- Sets the data at 'tagPath' in 'tagGroup' as a float point.
void TagGroupSetTagAsFloatRect( TagGroup tagGroup,
String tagPath, Number t, Number l, Number b,
Number r )
- Sets the data at 'tagPath' in 'tagGroup' as a float rect.
void TagGroupSetTagAsLong( TagGroup tagGroup,
String tagPath, Number number )
- Sets the data at 'tagPath' in 'tagGroup' as a long.
void TagGroupSetTagAsLongPoint( TagGroup tagGroup,
String tagPath, Number x, Number y )
- Sets the data at 'tagPath' in 'tagGroup' as a long point.
void TagGroupSetTagAsLongRect( TagGroup tagGroup,
String tagPath, Number t, Number l, Number b,
Number r )
- Sets the data at 'tagPath' in 'tagGroup' as a long rect.
void TagGroupSetTagAsNumber( TagGroup tagGroup,
String tagPath, RGBNumber number )
- Sets the data at 'tagPath' in 'tagGroup' as a RGB number.
void TagGroupSetTagAsNumber( TagGroup tagGroup,
String tagPath, ComplexNumber number )
- Sets the data at 'tagPath' in 'tagGroup' as a complex number.
void TagGroupSetTagAsNumber( TagGroup tagGroup,
String tagPath, Number number )
- Sets the data at 'tagPath' in 'tagGroup' as a real number.
void TagGroupSetTagAsRGBUInt16( TagGroup tagGroup,
String tagPath, Number r, Number g, Number b
- Sets the data at 'tagPath' in 'tagGroup' as a 16-bit rgb value.
void TagGroupSetTagAsShort( TagGroup tagGroup,
String tagPath, Number number )
- Sets the data at 'tagPath' in 'tagGroup' as a short.
void TagGroupSetTagAsShortPoint( TagGroup tagGroup,
String tagPath, Number x, Number y )
- Sets the data at 'tagPath' in 'tagGroup' as a short point.
void TagGroupSetTagAsShortRect( TagGroup tagGroup,
String tagPath, Number t, Number l, Number b,
Number r )
- Sets the data at 'tagPath' in 'tagGroup' as a short rect.
void TagGroupSetTagAsString( TagGroup tagGroup,
String tagPath, String s )
- Sets the data at 'tagPath' in 'tagGroup' as a string.
void TagGroupSetTagAsTagGroup( TagGroup tagGroup,
String tagPath, TagGroup subGroup )
- Sets the data at 'tagPath' in 'TagGroup' as a group.
void TagGroupSetTagAsText( TagGroup tagGroup,
String tagPath, String s )
- Sets the data at 'tagPath' in 'tagGroup' as a string.
void TagGroupSetTagAsUInt16( TagGroup tagGroup,
String tagPath, Number number )
- Sets the data at 'tagPath' in 'tagGroup' as a 16-bit unsigned integer.
void TagGroupSetTagAsUInt32( TagGroup tagGroup,
String tagPath, Number number )
- Sets the data at 'tagPath' in 'tagGroup' as a 32-bit unsigned integer.
void TagGroupSetTagRGBBitmap( TagGroup tagGroup,
String tagPath, ImageReference image )
- Sets the data at 'tagPath' in 'tagGroup' as a RGB bitmap.
void TagGroupWriteIndexedTagDataToStream( TagGroup
tagGroup, Number index, ScriptObject stream, Number
stream_endianness )
- Writes data from the indicated tag into the stream. The tag type determines how the
data is written, and 'stream_endianness' specifies the endianness of the stream, 1 ==
bigendian, 2 == littleendian.
void TagGroupWriteTagDataToStream( TagGroup
tagGroup, String tag_path, ScriptObject stream, Number
stream_endianness )
- Reads data from the indicated tag into the stream. The tag type determines how the
data is written, and 'stream_endianness' specifies the endianness of the stream, 1 ==
bigendian, 2 == littleendian.
Related Functions
TagGroup =( TagGroup tagGroup1, ! )
TagGroup =( TagGroup tagGroup1, TagGroup
tagGroup2 )
void AddTagsToPackage( TagGroup tags, String
packageName, Number packageLevel, String identifier
- Install the tags into the package. The identifier is used to identify the tags in the
packages. Clients should take care to use unique identifiers. See the Java model of
naming classes.
void ClipboardSetAsTagGroup( TagGroup tagGroup
- Sets the contents of the clipboard to the tag group.
TagGroup GetFilesInDirectory( String path, Number
search_flags )
- Returns a tag group containing a list of the file names in the directory 'dir_path'
TagGroup GetPackageTags( String identifier )
- Return the tags specified by identifier. The identifier is used to identify tags
loaded with a specific package.
TagGroup GetPersistentTagGroup( )
- Gets the persistent tag group.
TagGroup NewTagGroup( )
- Creates an empty tag group.
TagGroup NewTagList( )
- Creates an empty tag list.
TagGroup TagGroupNullify( ! )
TagGroup Test_ReferenceCount_V1( ROI roi_out
TagGroup Test_ReferenceCount_V2( ROI roi_out