Class Window


void WindowClose( DocumentWindow window, Boolean verify )
Closes the window, prompting the user if 'verify' is true.
void WindowGetContentBounds( DocumentWindow window, NumberVariable top, NumberVariable left, NumberVariable bottom, NumberVariable right )
Gets the bounding rectangle of the content area of the 'window'.
void WindowGetContentPosition( DocumentWindow window, NumberVariable x, NumberVariable y )
Gets the position of the top-left corner of the content area of the 'window'.
void WindowGetContentSize( DocumentWindow window, NumberVariable x, NumberVariable y )
Gets the size of the content area of the 'window'.
void WindowGetFrameBounds( DocumentWindow window, NumberVariable top, NumberVariable left, NumberVariable bottom, NumberVariable right )
Gets the bounding rectangle of the frame area of the 'window'.
void WindowGetFramePosition( DocumentWindow window, NumberVariable x, NumberVariable y )
Gets the position of the top-left corner of the frame area of the 'window'.
void WindowGetFrameSize( DocumentWindow window, NumberVariable x, NumberVariable y )
Gets the size of the frame area of the 'window'.
void WindowGetMousePosition( DocumentWindow window, NumberVariable x, NumberVariable y )
Gets the current position of the mouse in the windows coordinate system.
String WindowGetTitle( DocumentWindow window )
Gets the title of the window.
Number WindowGetType( DocumentWindow window )
Gets the type of thw window.
void WindowHide( DocumentWindow window )
Hides the window.
Boolean WindowIsOpen( DocumentWindow window )
Returns true if the window has not been closed.
Boolean WindowIsShown( DocumentWindow window )
Returns true if the window is shown.
Boolean WindowIsValid( DocumentWindow window )
Returns true if 'window' points to a valid object.
void WindowSelect( DocumentWindow window )
Brings 'window' to the front.
void WindowSendBehind( DocumentWindow window, DocumentWindow behind_window )
Sends 'window' behind 'behind_window'.
void WindowSetContentBounds( DocumentWindow window, Number top, Number left, Number bottom, Number right )
Sets the bounding rectangle of the content area of the 'window'.
void WindowSetContentPosition( DocumentWindow window, Number x, Number y )
Sets the position of the top-left corner of the content area of the 'window'.
void WindowSetContentSize( DocumentWindow window, Number x, Number y )
Sets the size of the content area of the 'window'.
void WindowSetFrameBounds( DocumentWindow window, Number top, Number left, Number bottom, Number right )
Sets the bounding rectangle of the frame area of the 'window'.
void WindowSetFramePosition( DocumentWindow window, Number x, Number y )
Sets the position of the top-left corner of the frame area of the 'window'.
void WindowSetFrameSize( DocumentWindow window, Number x, Number y )
Sets the size of the frame area of the 'window'.
void WindowSetTitle( DocumentWindow window, String title )
Sets the title of the window.
void WindowShow( DocumentWindow window )
Shows the window.
void WindowUpdate( DocumentWindow window )
Updates 'window's display.

Related Functions

DocumentWindow =( DocumentWindow, ! )
DocumentWindow =( DocumentWindow, DocumentWindow )
void EditorWindowAddText( DocumentWindow window, String text )
Appends the text to a editor window.
void EditorWindowGetFont( DocumentWindow window, String face_name, NumberVariable attributes, NumberVariable size, NumberVariable text_encoding )
Gets the font of a script window.
String EditorWindowGetText( DocumentWindow window )
Gets the text in an editor window.
Boolean EditorWindowPrint( DocumentWindow window )
Prints the editor window.
void EditorWindowSaveToFile( DocumentWindow window, String path )
Saves the editor window to the specified path.
void EditorWindowSetFont( DocumentWindow window, String face_name, Number attributes, Number size, Number text_encoding )
Sets the font of a script window.
void EditorWindowSetText( DocumentWindow window, String text )
Sets the text in an editor window.
DocumentWindow GetApplicationWindow( )
Gets the application window.
DocumentWindow GetDocumentWindow( Number index )
Gets the 'index'th document window.
DocumentWindow GetDocumentWindowByTitle( String name )
Gets the document window named 'name'.
DocumentWindow GetFloatingWindow( Number index )
Gets the 'index'th floating window.
DocumentWindow GetNthDocumentWindowOfType( Number type, Number index )
Returns the 'index'th document window of type 'type'.
DocumentWindow GetResultsWindow( Boolean open )
Gets the results window. If the window is not open, and 'open' is true, the results window is opened.
ImageDocument ImageWindowGetImageDocument( DocumentWindow window )
Gets the image document displayed in the window.
DocumentWindow NewScriptWindow( String title, Number top, Number left, Number bottom, Number right )
Creates a new editor window.
DocumentWindow NewScriptWindowFromFile( String file_name, String font_name, Number attributes, Number size, Number encoding, Number top, Number left, Number bottom, Number right )
Opens a file into a script window.
DocumentWindow NewScriptWindowFromFile( String file_name )
Opens a file into a script window.
DocumentWindow NewScriptWindowFromFile( String file_name, Number top, Number left, Number bottom, Number right )
Opens a file into a script window.
DocumentWindow NewScriptWindowFromFile( String file_name, String font_name, Number attributes, Number size, Number encoding )
Opens a file into a script window.
void ScriptWindowExecute( DocumentWindow window )
Executes the script in the script window.
DocumentWindow WindowNullify( ! )